Brother Kane
Signs Of The Times
Signs Of The Times
I watch with sadness as more and more of the Bible’s predictions of the end times are coming to fruition. One major sign is this: The world is becoming more and more spiritually blind, while believing they are becoming more and more enlightened. Other signs include “gay marriage”, widespread abortion, rampant sexual immorality and STDs, overuse of psychotropic drugs to treat any perceived bad feelings, broken homes and broken marriages, profanity and vulgarity becoming an integral… Continue reading
End Times: Twenty-Five Characteristics of Man in the Last Days
End Times: Twenty-Five Characteristics of Man in the Last Days
by Marybeth Haydon
- Men will be lovers of their own selves – 2 Timothy 3:2
- Men will be covetous – 2 Timothy 3:2
- Mean will be boasters – 2 Timothy 3:2
- Men will be proud – 2 Timothy 3:2
- Men will be blasphemers – 2 Timothy 3:2
- Men will be disobedient to their parents – 2 Timothy 3:2
- Men will be unthankful – 2 Timothy 3:2
- Men will be unholy… Continue reading
Notice: Refusal Of Vaccine For Cause
Notice: Refusal Of Vaccine For Cause
- I do not know what is in your vaccine.
- I do not believe your vaccine is safe.
- I know that many vaccines have been found to contain toxic adjuvants and toxic foreign materials.
- I know that toxic contamination is present in vaccines which are easily preventable with current technology. This suggests intentional contamination of vaccines with toxic agents.
- I know that many vaccines are not effective and actually cause the… Continue reading
Notice: Refusal Of Mandatory Vaccines
Notice: Refusal Of Mandatory Vaccines
- I do not know what is in your vaccine.
- I do not believe your vaccine is safe.
- I know that vaccines kill hundreds of thousands of people per year.
- I am aware of reports that vaccine experiments have caused tens of thousands of cases of sterilization, polio, autism and other diseases and injuries globally.
- I know that vaccines are so hazardous that the vaccine industry lobbied for, and received immunity from… Continue reading
There Is No Such Thing As The Age Of Accountability
There Is No Such Thing As The Age Of Accountability
There is no such thing as ” the Age of Accountability” as most every one describes it…
There are 4 of God’s holy and elect prophets recorded for us in Holy Scripture, whereas these were redeemed while they were yet fetuses. These are… Jacob (Romans 9); David (Psalm 139); Jeremiah (Jeremiah 11:4-5) and John the Baptist (Luke 1:41,44).
Since even as with a fetus has redemption taken… Continue reading