Catholic Doctrine
False teachings of the Catholic church
Articles that carefully point out the many heretical, unbiblical doctrines of the Roman Catholic church and her many offshoots (Byzantine Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, Greek Orthodox, Russian Orthodox, etc.).
The Resurrection That The Catholic Church Secretly Celebrates
The Resurrection That The Catholic Church Secretly Celebrates
The Resurrection Of Pagan Deities As Catholic Saints
Unknown to Catholics, their entire religious system is modeled after a whole host of pagan gods and goddesses that have been renamed – given the names of Christians.
Here is a sampling of the major pagan deities that are now found in the Catholic Church:
- The god Tammuz has been renamed baby Jesus
- The goddess Semiramis has been renamed the virgin Mary
- The… Continue reading
Why The Catholic Church Cannot Be The Pillar And Foundation Of Truth
Why The Catholic Church Cannot Be The “Pillar And Foundation Of Truth”
“But if I tarry long, that thou mayest know how thou oughtest to behave thyself in the house of God, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and ground [foundation] of the truth.” 1 Timothy 3:15
That statement of the apostle Paul in the first epistle to Timothy actually INVALIDATES Catholicism as the true Church. Why? Because the TRUE Church is known… Continue reading
Unbiblical Inventions Of The Catholic Church
Unbiblical Inventions Of The Catholic Church
Just to avoid Catholic knee-jerk reactions to what I am going to point out here, by “unbiblical” I mean things that were not practiced or taught by the early Church of the New Testament. Sure, you can find something in the Old Testament to seemingly justify various Catholic teachings and practices but those are often dishonest equivalencies such as claiming that the two winged cherubim on the ark of the covenant is justification for… Continue reading
The God Eaters – Do Catholics Eat Their God?
The God Eaters
Do Catholics Eat Their God?
Yes, Catholics DO in fact eat THEIR god. This statement might shock some Roman Catholics who don’t really think the Eucharist is the “literal body, blood, soul and divinity” of Jesus Christ, even though that is exactly what the Catholic Church claims about their Eucharists. So, considering this Catholic claim, Catholics really are GOD EATERS. They are not eating the REAL God of the universe. They are simply eating THEIR god… a… Continue reading
Catholicism In A Nutshell
Catholicism In A Nutshell
Some major errors and false teachings of Catholicism:
1. Praying to Mary – she can’t hear your prayers, only God can because He alone is Omnipresent (able to be everywhere at once).
2. Praying to dead saints – they can’t hear you and some of them may not even be in heaven. For all you know they could have died lost and ended up in hell.
3. Purgatory does not exist. It cannot… Continue reading