Catholic Doctrine
False teachings of the Catholic church
Articles that carefully point out the many heretical, unbiblical doctrines of the Roman Catholic church and her many offshoots (Byzantine Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, Greek Orthodox, Russian Orthodox, etc.).
Well here she is, the most famous idol on earth… the super-glorified man-made version of Mary:
- The Queen of Heaven (only God doesn’t know she’s the queen)…
- The Mother of God (only God never had a mother)…
- Our Lady Of Grace
- The Blessed Virgin
The one, the only, the goddess of … plaster, the Catholic Virgin Mary! Want to feel devout and holy?… stick her in your front yard. Want to feel safe while driving?… stick her on the… Continue reading
The Blessed Virgin – Imaginary Mary
Imaginary Mary
The Blessed Virgin – An Imaginary Being
One of Roman Catholicism’s favorite people is someone they often refer to as the Blessed Virgin. They are preoccupied with her, even though she does not exist. This person they believe in and pray to is totally imaginary. They think that Mary, the woman who gave birth to Jesus Christ is this person, a person whom they attribute all these abilities and qualities to – none of which are true… Continue reading
But I’m A Good Catholic
But I’m A Good Catholic!
A hypothetical conversation between a true Christian and a devout Catholic about salvation.
Christian: When you die, do you know for sure if you will be in heaven?
Catholic: I think so, I’m a good Catholic.
Christian: But you don’t get to heaven by being a good Catholic, and not by being a good “anything” for that matter.
Catholic: What?
Christian: That’s right. Jesus said you must be “born again” to enter the… Continue reading
Pro-Catholic Or Anti-Catholic?
How Do YOU Determine
Who Is Pro-Catholic Or Anti-Catholic?
The term anti-Catholic is used by many people to label a person a bigot even if all the person is doing is warning people about the false teachings of the Catholic church. Now think about this: if someone discovers that they have been taught something false about how to get to heaven and they try to bring that to the attention of other people whose spiritual welfare they… Continue reading
The Idols Of Catholicism
The Idols Of Catholicism
Many people do not realize (myself included at one time) that when we give divine attributes to things or people, we are making idols of those things or those persons. A divine attribute is a characteristic that belongs to God alone. Some of God’s divine attributes include:
- His omnipresence (being everywhere at once)
- His omnipotence (being all powerful)
- His omniscience (being all knowing)
- His unique role as Saviour and Mediator through the Lord Jesus Christ… Continue reading