Church Meetings Should Not Be A One-Man Show!
Church Meetings Should Not Be A One-Man Show!
Ignorance is NOT bliss, especially in the body of Christ and especially in leadership and especially regarding ecclesiology (how to do church). Yet ignorance is the norm in the “Body of Christ” regarding how local church meetings should function in order for ALL of the members of the local body to really grow and have the most opportunities to contribute. In this article, I do not wish to focus on… Continue reading
Dialog About A Modern Church Service
Dialog About A Modern Church Service
Modern Pastor: So now that you have visited our church a few times, what do you think of it?
Church Visitor: I love the people here, its just that…
Modern Pastor: What? What is it? Something about our church you don’t like?
Church Visitor: Well, I am not a big fan of your modern Bible version.
Modern Pastor: What’s wrong with that? It’s so easy to read and understand.
Church Visitor: It… Continue reading
Things They Never Told Your Pastor In Bible College Or Seminary
Things They Never Told Your Pastor In Bible College Or Seminary
I wish to clarify from the beginning that in this article we are not attacking the many well-meaning hard-working pastors and church leaders who dedicate their lives to serving others. But what we are attempting to do is educate both church leaders and other Christians about things that greatly impact the effectiveness of the local church and the spiritual health and growth of all believers therein. And… Continue reading
Scientism – The Religion Of Atheists
Scientism – The Religion Of Atheists
In an attempt to eliminate God from their lives, atheists have invented a new religion. It is the religion of Scientism, based on fabricated stories, hypothesis, conjecture, and unprovable theories relating to what could most accurately be called “pseudo-science” – ideas about origins – described using lots of scientific terminology but based on no real, solid, factual, scientific foundation. Just a whole lot of wishful thinking that attempts to remove God from… Continue reading
The Root Of Modern Christian Ignorance
The Root Of Modern Christian Ignorance
The modern Christian church is teeming with people who say they are believers but seem to know very little about doctrine, including what their own denomination believes and where those beliefs originated (i.e from the Bible or elsewhere). I believe there are at least two major causes for this, besides the fact that there are probably a lot of goats among the sheep in many congregations especially in larger congregations. One cause for this… Continue reading