Audio messages, video messages, printed messages about protestantism, the Bible, and God’s plan of salvation.
Secular Humanism
Secular Humanism
Secular Humanism is the official religion of the US public school system and many other public school systems worldwide. It is based upon Darwinism, atheism, hedonism and pseudo-science. It is a system of beliefs about man and his origins that are actually at odds against evidence in nature, geology, mathematics and science and that completely ignores evidence for Intelligent Design in the world around us. Much of secular humanism is based upon the superstitious beliefs of… Continue reading
Transcendental Meditation
Transcendental Meditation – A Christian Perspective
- What is transcendental meditation (TM)?
- Definition of transcendental meditation terms
- What is yoga as compared to TM?
- What is the significance of the ‘lotus’ position?
- What kind of meditation is TM?
- What kind of meditation does the Bible recommend?
- Is TM a bad thing and should Christians avoid it?
- How should a Christian cope with stress?
- References
What is transcendental meditation (TM)?
TM is often referred to in our… Continue reading
Jewish Discovery Of A Lifetime
Jewish Discovery Of A Lifetime
I am a Jew and I know how you will observe the Passover. You will put away all leaven from your houses; you will eat matzoth and roasted lamb. You will attend the synagogue, and carry out the Talmudic ritual. You will do everything but what Jehovah required first of all. |
Jehovah did not say, “When I see the leaven put away, or when I see you eat the matzoth, or the lamb, or… Continue reading
Who Is A True Israelite?
Who Is A True Israelite?
(A True Son Or Daughter Of Abraham?)
To know who is a true Israelite, we must go to the sacred scriptures and find out how the Lord defines a true son or daughter of Abraham, a true Israelite…
A true Israelite has had a heart transplant:
“And the LORD thy God will circumcise thine heart, and the heart of thy seed, to love the LORD thy God with all thine heart,… Continue reading
Who Is Telling The Truth?
Who Is Telling The Truth?
How To Identify A religious Cult – Primarily A Christian-Like Cult
First, let us identify what we mean by a cult: a counterfeit Christian organization that is not preaching the truth about how to get to heaven.
“But though we, or an… Continue reading