Natural Health And Wellness
Are ANY Vaccines Safe And Effective Any More?
Are ANY Vaccines Safe And Effective Any More?
What’s so bad about vaccines?
Vaccines contain things that are harmful to our health or that are poorly tested for safety:
- Vaccines contain dangerous additives (called adjuvants).
- Vaccines contain mRNA materials with unknown long term side effects.
- Vaccines contain additives like mercury compounds and aluminum compounds that can have negative effects on the human brain.
- Vaccines contain aborted fetal tissue which many people are unaware of and who… Continue reading
Why Are So Many People Developing Immune System Disorders
Why Are So Many People Developing Immune System Disorders?
Based on what I know of diseases and the medical profession, I believe that the many immune system disorders we are seeing come out of the woodwork are probably caused by things I have listed below. My knowledge is based on personal research, over many decades, regarding the illnesses and deaths of friends, cousins, aunts, uncles, parents, my spouse and even some of my pets. When I was growing up in… Continue reading
Learning About Human Health From A Sick Dog
Learning About Human Health From A Sick Dog
A dog that had been OVER-vaccinated resulting in Vaccinosis
This article is for those of you who want cures that strengthen and heal your body, and not just “treatments” that suppress or mask your symptoms. My dog suffered from an immune system disorder caused by TOO MANY VACCINATIONS. The term for that disorder is called vaccinosis – though most doctors and vets won’t ever mention that term. I had to find out… Continue reading
COVID Vaccine Side-Effects And Suggested Treatments
COVID Vaccine Side-Effects And Suggested Treatments
This article lists websites and web pages that offer suggestions for treatment of COVID-19 vaccine side-effects, primarily long term side-effects. Some of those treatments have to do with strengthening your immune system which the COVID vaccines can damage, and other treatments have to do with decontaminating your body of toxic vaccine ingredients. If you want advice from a medical professional, you better find one who knows about wellness, holistic, homeopathic medicine. Your run-of-the-mill doctors… Continue reading
Why I No Longer Trust The Medical System
Why I No Longer Trust The Medical System
And Why You Shouldn’t Trust Them Either
I wrote this article because I felt I needed to share some important stories of serious problems I encountered with the medical system over the past few years as my family and I interacted with the health care industry that seems to have a lot of dangerous ways of treating a person’s health.