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The Will Of Man

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The Will Of Man

by Todd Nibert

“He delivered Jesus to their will” (Luke 23:25). And what was their will? “Crucify Him, crucify Him.” That is man’s will in a nutshell. That teaching that says God wants to save all men, Christ died for all men, and the Holy Spirit is calling all men, but man’s salvation is ultimately dependent upon his own will, is a lie! Those who preach such a message do not believe the Gospel. And those who believe such a message do not believe the Gospel.

When men were left to their will, unrestrained by God, they murdered the Son of God! To give man’s will such an exalted place in salvation is to deny the sovereignty of God, deny what the Bible teaches concerning the sinfulness of man, and deny that salvation is all of God’s grace. Don’t think that the belief that man’s will has the ultimate say in salvation is merely a less enlightened view of the Gospel. It is another gospel! It makes man’s will the saviour, and not Christ!


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