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Arminianism At Its Core Is A Man-Centered Unbiblical Heresy

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Arminianism At Its Core Is A Man-Centered Unbiblical Heresy


The Arminianism heresy is the false free-will gospel that says we have the power within our fallen nature to turn to God while yet unregenerated. To expose this heresy all we need to do is put this “free–will” gospel into the context of what the Bible has to say about the unregenerated soul.


If the Free Will gospel is true then I’m not boasting when I say:

  1. I adopted myself into God’s family even though I had no clue as to who this God is or what His family is like. (Ephesians 1:5 says that adoption into God’s family is something that He predestines accordng to His good pleasure)

  3. I translated myself from the kingdom of darkness into God’s kingdom of light even though I did not realize I was in darkness. (Colossians 1:13 says it is God who translates us out of darkness into light)

  5. I brought myself to spiritual life from being spiritually dead even though I did not know I was spiritually dead. (Ephesians 2:1 says God quickens/makes-alive the spiritually dead)

  7. I was blind, deaf, dumb and lame and I made myself whole even though I did not realize there was so much wrong with me from God’s perspective. (see Revelation 3:17)

  9. I accepted Jesus Christ as my personal savior even though I knew nothing about this Jesus, I had little if any understanding of sin, and I was clueless about all the laws of God that I had violated my whole life long or that I was responsible for keeping the entirety of God’s law in order to be fit for heaven. (Ephesians 1:6 says that God makes us accepted by Him)

I did all this by simply reciting a prayer that some TV preacher told me to say so that I could get the spiritual fire insurance that I was looking for. The preacher told me that salvation was that simple, so simple that even a child could do it.* And don’t tell me that when it comes to salvation I am at God’s mercy or that He saves whom He wills when He wills. I don’t believe in that kind of God and I would never worship that kind of God.  I don’t believe I am that helpless or that spiritually dead. I believe a person can get saved anytime they want.**


* If salvation was that simple then everyone would be saved – on their death beds at the very last moment if at no other time. But salvation requires a supernatural act of God and we most certainly are at God’s mercy. Which is why the Bible declares to us that we must seek the Lord while He may be found and call upon him while He is near that He might have mercy on us. When we are on our deathbed we may be unconscious or delirious and no longer able to call upon the Lord.


** Oh you really believe a person can get saved anytime they want?  So then who is it that arranges for a person to come under the hearing of the Gospel, who sends the preacher and who does the convicting of sin and who determines when those events will occur?



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