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Be Not Weary

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Be Not Weary


“Let us not be weary in well doing;
for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not”
[Galatians 6:9]


Be not weary in well-doing –
every task divinely set
Has its counter part of promise –
God will not His Word forget!


Though thou may’st be sorely tried,
Every need shall be supplied.


Be not weary in well-doing –
While the world is doing ill;
While the hosts of sin and Satan
Toil with fiendish strength and skill.


Forward hasten to the fight,
God will furnish thee with might.


Be not weary in well-doing –
Though thy labours seem in vain;
Heed not aught that would dishearten,
Sow in faith the golden grain.


God will His sure promise keep –
In due Season thou shalt reap!


Be not weary in well-doing –
Pilgrim on thy Homeward way;
‘Mid the throng that journey with thee,
Scatter kindness day by day.


Cease not till thy task is done,
And thy Lord’s “Well done” is won.


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