Americans Target Of Largest Media Brainwashing Campaign In History
As an introduction to this article, I (ComingInTheClouds site administrator) would like to mention that from my own experience, it appears that many Christians are “brainwashed” by their local church or denomination. They are made to believe things that just aren’t true, sometimes regarding issues of immense eternal significance, salvation for example. How this happens is quite simple: the people don’t bother to verify the truth of what they hear in the pulpit or in the Sunday school classroom. They… Continue reading
Why You May Someday Convert To Islam
Why You May Someday Convert To Islam
Because the Muslims in charge will kill you if you don’t convert.
We are referring to the radical extreme Muslims which are often the Muslims who obtain power in Islamic majority nations.
PLEASE NOTE: The United States federal government is already more of a threat to US citizens than any Muslims residing there.
You won’t even be safe if you’re already a Muslim – if the radicals in power consider you… Continue reading
Legacy Of Violence In Louis Farrakhan’s Nation Of Islam
Brutal Legacy In Louis Farrakhan’s Organization
(Legacy Of Violence In Nation Of Islam)
By Br. A. Idris Palmer
Minneapolis, Minnesota, Jan. 12, 1995: Malik Shabazz’ daughter, Qubilah, is indicted by a federal grand jury on allegedly trying to hire a hit man to kill ‘Nation of Islam’ leader, Louis Farrakhan, who Malcolm X’s family believes played a role in his 1965 assassination.
The following day, in the wake of public suspicion regarding Farrakhan’s role in Malcolm X’s… Continue reading
Does God Love You Gospel Tract – In Arabic Language
This article is available in English by clicking on this LINK.
This article is available in Arabic in PDF file format by clicking on this LINK.
هل يُحبّك اللّه ؟
سؤال: كثيرا ما يجول السؤال بخاطري، هل يُحبني اللّه ؟ وإذا كان هذا الإله الربّ مُحبّا ورحيما، فلماذا كلّ هذه الآلام والحزن في العالم ؟
جواب: في كتابه، ذلك الكتاب المُقدّس، يكشف لنا الإله الربّ أن خطايانا هي السبب في كل الآلام والحزن. إنه لمن الصحيح أن اللّه يكشف حبه… Continue reading
Comparison Between Islam And Farrakhanism
Comparison Between Islam And Farrakhanism (Nation of Islam)
ISLAM, and so-called NATION OF ISLAM (i.e. Farrakhanism), are two different religions. The only thing common between them is the jargon, the language used by the both. The Nation of Islam is a misnomer; this religion should be called Farrakhanism, after the name of its propagator. The religion of Elijah Muhammad and W.D. Fard died with… Continue reading