College at Home, for the Glory of God
College at Home, for the Glory of God
by John Thompson
As habitual as birds heading south for the winter, a new brood of students takes wing each fall to college campuses around the world. Clearly, this seasonal migration is healthful for birds. But is the flocking of students to college campuses likewise wholesome? Is this recurrent pilgrimage the result of careful reasoning or cultural influences? Before sending our children to flight, our family decided to more thoroughly investigate… Continue reading
Should Christians Teach In Public Schools
Let Go Of The Rope
(Should Christians Teach In Public Schools)
I recently read a column in which the author suggests that even though public education is “over the edge” of a cliff, Christians are “holding the rope from which the system dangles.” He suggests letting go of the rope by removing our children from the government schools. Why should Christians prop up an anti-Christian institution by their participation? Let it die its well-deserved death.
This prompts the… Continue reading
What About Christian Schools?
What About Christian Schools?
As a father who has increasingly come to believe that home education is the best method of raising children, I am very interested in the reasoning of those who support public schooling or private Christian education.
Recently I saw a book called The Christian School, by Noel Weeks, and I bought it in order to find out the biblical basis for sending children to Christian schools. What I found was some great reasons… Continue reading
Educating Children – Whose Job Is It?
Educating Children – Whose Job Is It?
According to the Bible, whose responsibility is it to educate children:
- the government’s job?
- the local church’s job?
- the parent’s job?
The government wants to teach children secular humanism, sex education, so-called safe sex, alternative lifestyles, evolution, situational ethics, and contemporary views on the roles of men and women. The local church usually wants to segregate people by age and wants to make sure that their programs are worldly enough so that they… Continue reading
Bob Bush: Once A Jesuit, Now A Child Of God
Once A Jesuit, Now A Child Of God
by Bob Bush
I began my Catholic journey in a little country town in northern California in the U.S.A. The town was so small that we did not have Mass every Sunday, but a priest used to come once a month if he possibly could to hold Mass in a big public hall. I have both an older and a younger brother. My father had been trained at the… Continue reading