Recommended Evangelism Ministries
Recommended Evangelism Ministries
(And some of their noteworthy evangelism resources)
- Go Stand Speak – street preaching
- International Outreach – printed and on-line reformed literature
- Mt. Zion Bible Church (also called “Chapel Library”) – gospel literature and correspondence course
- Grace Gospel Church – sovereign grace sermons
- HeartCry Missionary Society
- – RC Sproul’s ministry (Click on THIS LINK for his “Objections Answered” messages)
- The Good Person Test – video from Ray Comfort’s “Living Waters” ministry (Click HERE for the… Continue reading
Soul Winning Suggestions
Soul Winning Suggestions
“The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life; and he that winneth souls is wise.”
[Proverbs 11:30]
“There is no other joy like the joy of winning souls to Christ; and it is possible for every child of God, no matter how humble and ungifted, to have this joy.”
What do we mean by winning souls?
Well what does the Bible mean? It means preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ:… Continue reading
Sample Door-Hanger Notes
Sample Door-Hanger Notes
Here are some sample notes to include with Gospel tracts, to give you an idea of how to “introduce” a tract to the reader when you are leaving tracts on door-knobs as you go house to house. We print them 3 per page in landscape mode and cut them to fit in the bags we use. For a good price on door hanger bags visit and click on the “door knob” link.
FREE… Continue reading |
Bible Quick Reference List
Bible Quick Reference List
“Beloved, when I gave all diligence to write unto you of the common salvation, it was needful for me to write unto you, and exhort you that ye should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints.” [Jude 1:3]
Bible Quick Reference List – To Respond To Questions, Objections, Etc. |
Some Key Witnessing Questions
Some Key Witnessing Questions To Help You Earnestly Contend For The Faith
When a Christian goes out into the world to share their faith, it is helpful to be ready with some thought-provoking questions to start up a meaningful conversation about the Gospel of Jesus Christ. You don’t need to ask any of the specific questions below but you should ask questions that will prompt the person you are speaking to, to think about what they believe, why they… Continue reading