I Don’t Believe In Atheists
I Don’t Believe In Atheists
That’s right, I don’t believe in atheists. I think people who say they are atheists are some of the most ardent believers in God on the planet. They show it by their preoccupation with trying to disprove His existence, all the while, they just don’t like the way God does things. If they were honest they would admit that they believe in God and they don’t like him… they may in fact hate Him… Continue reading
Who Made It?
Who Made It?
An Article About Intelligent Design
Sir Isaac Newton had a friend who, like himself, was a great scientist, BUT he was an infidel, while Newton was a devout believer, and they often locked horns over this question, though their mutual interest in science drew them much together. Newton had a skillful mechanic make him a replica of our solar system in miniature. In the center was a large gilded ball representing the sun, and revolving around… Continue reading
Carl Pagan – A Parody
“Synthesis” – The First Book Of Carl Pagan
A Parody By Professor Michael Varnell
2. And this spot was without form, and of undetermined size; And darkness was upon the spot. And an “unexplained Big Bang” moved upon this spot.
3. And the Big Bang caused a great light: And there was light.
4. And the resulting chaos divided the light from the darkness.
Richard Dawkins – Scientist Or Evangelist For Atheism?
Richard Dawkins – Scientist Or Evangelist For Atheism?
Isn’t He Just A Crusader Against God & Religion?
PLEASE NOTE: This article is not for atheists who are in love with their Dawkins “messiah”. It is for those who truly have an open mind and are not emotionally attached to the irrational dogma of heavily biased secular humanists.
This self-appointed genius in the photo above (Richard Dawkins) thinks he’s an authority on the origins of life and yet he… Continue reading
Bible Software Screenshots
Bible Software Screenshots
Screenshots of FREE, popular and useful Bible software applications.
Website: http://bibletime.info Runs on: MS Windows, MacOS, Linux
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Website: http://biblemaximum.com Runs on: Windows, iPad, iPhone, Andriod, Web
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Online Bible
Website: http://www.onlinebible.net Runs on: Windows, Linux+WineHQ, Mac OS X+Wine
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Website: http://www.e-sword.net Runs on: Windows, Mac+Crossover, Linux+Crossover
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