Notice: Refusal Of Vaccine For Cause
Notice: Refusal Of Vaccine For Cause
- I do not know what is in your vaccine.
- I do not believe your vaccine is safe.
- I know that many vaccines have been found to contain toxic adjuvants and toxic foreign materials.
- I know that toxic contamination is present in vaccines which are easily preventable with current technology. This suggests intentional contamination of vaccines with toxic agents.
- I know that many vaccines are not effective and actually cause the… Continue reading
Notice: Refusal Of Mandatory Vaccines
Notice: Refusal Of Mandatory Vaccines
- I do not know what is in your vaccine.
- I do not believe your vaccine is safe.
- I know that vaccines kill hundreds of thousands of people per year.
- I am aware of reports that vaccine experiments have caused tens of thousands of cases of sterilization, polio, autism and other diseases and injuries globally.
- I know that vaccines are so hazardous that the vaccine industry lobbied for, and received immunity from… Continue reading
There Is No Such Thing As The Age Of Accountability
There Is No Such Thing As The Age Of Accountability
There is no such thing as ” the Age of Accountability” as most every one describes it…
There are 4 of God’s holy and elect prophets recorded for us in Holy Scripture, whereas these were redeemed while they were yet fetuses. These are… Jacob (Romans 9); David (Psalm 139); Jeremiah (Jeremiah 11:4-5) and John the Baptist (Luke 1:41,44).
Since even as with a fetus has redemption taken… Continue reading
Who Founded The United States?
Who Founded The United States?
“Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord.” Psalm 33:12
Have you ever wondered why America has enjoyed so much freedom and so much prosperity for so many years? Let me tell you, by first saying who America was NOT founded by…
- It was NOT founded by godless evolution preaching atheists whose only morals are the ones they steal from others – if they feel like having any morals on any given day.… Continue reading
Catholicism In A Nutshell
Catholicism In A Nutshell
Some major errors and false teachings of Catholicism:
1. Praying to Mary – she can’t hear your prayers, only God can because He alone is Omnipresent (able to be everywhere at once).
2. Praying to dead saints – they can’t hear you and some of them may not even be in heaven. For all you know they could have died lost and ended up in hell.
3. Purgatory does not exist. It cannot… Continue reading