Why Teaching Evolution Is Evil
Why Teaching Evolution Is Evil
We are living in a nation that is every day violating its own sacred document, the Constitution. In the manner of separation of church and state, a defacto state religion HAS been imposed on us — the religion of evolutionism. Make no mistake, it IS a religion — a demonstrably FALSE religion that is DIRECTLY responsible for the destruction of our society through the disintegration of our families. It is a religion based on… Continue reading
Oh Lord oh Lord my God, My heart is full of longing, Full of hunger, Full of desire, Full of need, That only You can satisfy, Could ever satisfy...
Oh Abba Adonai Elohim One purpose alone remains with me -- To enter into Your Holy Presence, To do that for which You made me -- To come and worship You! To worship You with all my heart and soul -- You alone can make me whole! … Continue reading