Random Chance Or Intelligent Design?
Random Chance Or Intelligent Design?
For those willing to do their homework there is more than enough evidence to deal with evolution’s objections and to support a young earth. For example, here is an excellent article on how events around the Mt Saint Helen’s volcano eruption put gaping holes in theories about a very old earth being responsible for the Grand Canyon: CLICK HERE
RECOMMENDED STARTING POINT: Evolution – A Gigantic Fraud
Evolution & Intelligent Design Links
Evolution & Intelligent Design Links
Evolution’s Hall Of Fame
Evolution’s Hall Of Fame
Dedicated to people who are very sure that their ancestors were primates.
And maybe they are right, their ancestors were primates, because after all, any intelligent human being should know that it takes an Intelligent Designer to create an intelligent design, as we see everywhere we look in the world around us. I have yet to meet a chimp who prays or reads the Bible. Similarly, I have yet to meet a devout evolutionist… Continue reading
Questions For The Evangelists Of Evolution
Questions For The Evangelists Of Evolution
- Who taught spiders how to make silk for their webs? How did they know how to make silk that was sticky to their prey but yet be able to avoid getting stuck on it themselves? Who taught them how to make a valve to turn the excretion of silk on and off at will? Who taught them how to design a web? How did they avoid becoming extinct before they learned all these… Continue reading
The Origins Of Various “Christian” Holidays
The Origins Of Various “Christian” Holidays
I have been researching this subject for several years now, especially regarding the Christmas holiday. The more I examine this issue and the more I observe the broad spectrum of people who celebrate these holidays, the more I think that something is not right. Too many people really enjoy these supposedly Christian holidays, people who don’t at all enjoy talking to me about Christ or the Bible. I guess I believed other Christians… Continue reading