How Do I Know The Bible Is True?
How Do I Know The Bible Is True?
By the Late Tom Schaff; former member of Family Radio, Oakland, CA 94621
There are good reasons to trust the Bible. Both external and internal evidence support the statement that the Bible is “true and righteous altogether.”
(Psalm 19:9)
External evidence, that is, facts outside of the Bible demonstrate that it is a reliable and trustworthy source of information.
Scientific Evidence
No scientific fact has… Continue reading
The Gospel – What Is It?
The Gospel – What Is It?
James Haldane
The Gospel is the good news of pardon to the guilty; and it enters into no calculations, in regard to the different degrees of guilt in those whom it addresses. It reveals an atonement sufficient for all; and every sinner of the human race is commanded to receive it as a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation, that Jesus Christ came into the world to save the chief of… Continue reading
What Do We Believe?
What Do We Believe?
by Greg Elmquist
In times past some of us have recited what has been known as the “Apostles Creed” as a declaration of our faith. I have no interest in reviving this practice or writing an addendum to this document. But, I do want you to see that the very heart of the gospel is no where to be found in the content of this popular creed. The reason that everyone from Roman Catholics to… Continue reading