About Catholicism
Information about Catholicism, including their incorrect views on salvation and their unbiblical teachings and erroneous practices.
The Story Of Barbara Ubryk
The Convent Horror
The Story Of Barbara Ubryk
Twenty-One Years in a Convent Dungeon
Eight Feet Long, Six Feet Wide
From Official Records
(Excerpted from the enlarged 1957 edition)
It is a most significant evidence of the moral obtuseness of the American people, that while all progressive foreign countries which are called Roman Catholic, have either suppressed or opened for public inspection, convents and monasteries, this great professedly-Protestant nation not only permits them to continue… Continue reading
Gospel Tracts For Roman Catholics
Gospel Tracts For Roman Catholics
Messages for Catholics about the Bible and salvation
The articles referenced on this page address many spiritual issues specific to Roman Catholicism and the Catholic plan of salvation, and how that compares to the biblical plan of salvation, which are not the same as you will see as you delve into this very important matter of where you will spend eternity – if you are trusting in a false way to heaven, though it… Continue reading