Audio messages, video messages, printed messages about protestantism, the Bible, and God’s plan of salvation.
Santa Claus – A Happy-Go-Lucky God
Santa Claus:
A Happy-Go-Lucky
In case you haven’t noticed, Santa has become far more popular than Jesus around the Christmas holiday. And what else should we expect? This god-like fairy tale character gives gifts to anyone and everyone. While, Jesus, the son of the living God commands everyone everywhere to repent of their sins or else end up being cast into the Lake Of Fire.
But have you noticed that there is a new Jesus among us… Continue reading
Which Jesus Do You Believe In?
Which Jesus Do You Believe In?
“Which Jesus do you believe in?” Do you think that is an odd question? Not really, when you think about how many wild and varied ideas people have about the person of Jesus Christ.
So then, which Jesus do YOU believe in?
- The false Jesus who loves everybody or the true Jesus who hates the workers of iniquity and who commands everyone to REPENT? (see Psalm 5:5, 11:5 & Acts 17:30)
- The… Continue reading
What The Bible Says About The Holy Spirit
What The Bible Says About The Holy Spirit
“God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.” [John 4:24]
The purpose of this study is to point out Bible verses that show that the Holy Spirit is a person and not some impersonal force as the Jehovah’s Witnesses erroneously believe and teach.
References To The Comforter, also referred to as the Holy Ghost:
John 14:26 But… Continue reading
What The Bible Says About The Triune Godhead
What The Bible Says About The Triune Godhead
I wish to start off this study by making a rather significant observation about God, the God of all eternity who existed before time began. If the “Godhead” was singular (only one Divine person), then God would be incomplete in a most serious and profound way. God would not know – experientially – what a relationship was or is. In addition to being infinitely holy, God… Continue reading
Whom say ye that I am?
“Whom say ye that I am?”
Jesus Christ – Matthew 8:29
The following Bible verses confirm that Jesus Christ has the exact same divine attributes as God Almighty (Jehovah God):
BOTH Jehovah and Jesus are called Saviour: Isaiah 43:11 (Jehovah), Philippians 3:20, Titus 1:4, Titus 2:13, Titus 3:4-6 (Jesus)
BOTH Jehovah and Jesus are called Judge and have a judgment seat: Judge: Isaiah 33:22 (Jehovah), 2 Timothy 4:1 (Jesus Christ) Judgment seat: Romans 14:10 (God/Jehovah), 2 Corinthians… Continue reading