Natural Health And Wellness
Health Risks/Dangers Of Cell Phones, Cordless Phones, Wifi & Bluetooth Devices
Health Risks And Other Dangers Of Microwave Radiation Including 5G Radiation
In Cell Phones, Cordless Phones, Wireless Routers, Wifi Devices, Bluetooth Devices, Smart Meters, etc.
Are 5G phones safe? Are ANY microwave devices safe?
Did you ever stop to think about ALL the devices in your home and on you and all around you (in stores, offices, outdoors too) – that are emitting MICROWAVES, that is radio waves in the microwave frequency range, a potentially very dangerous range of… Continue reading
Notice: Refusal Of Vaccine For Cause
Notice: Refusal Of Vaccine For Cause
- I do not know what is in your vaccine.
- I do not believe your vaccine is safe.
- I know that many vaccines have been found to contain toxic adjuvants and toxic foreign materials.
- I know that toxic contamination is present in vaccines which are easily preventable with current technology. This suggests intentional contamination of vaccines with toxic agents.
- I know that many vaccines are not effective and actually cause the… Continue reading
Notice: Refusal Of Mandatory Vaccines
Notice: Refusal Of Mandatory Vaccines
- I do not know what is in your vaccine.
- I do not believe your vaccine is safe.
- I know that vaccines kill hundreds of thousands of people per year.
- I am aware of reports that vaccine experiments have caused tens of thousands of cases of sterilization, polio, autism and other diseases and injuries globally.
- I know that vaccines are so hazardous that the vaccine industry lobbied for, and received immunity from… Continue reading
Why Mask Wearing Is Dangerous To Your Health
Why Mask Wearing Is Dangerous To Your Health
Mask Wearing Facts
1. Reduces Oxygen to 60% known as Hypoxia
2. Increases risk of Carbon Dioxide Poisoning because you are re-breathing CO2 instead of Oxygen leading to Oxygen deprivation. People have died already from this because of mask wearing.
3. Itching from mask causes excessive face touching.
4. Virus and Bacteria linger on outside of the mask and remain there because of the suction of breathing.… Continue reading
Home Remedies For Seasonal Common Cold And Flu Viruses
Some Possible Home Remedies And Holistic Treatments
For The Seasonal Common Cold And Flu Viruses
Please note that I am sharing my own experience and on-line research – and not claiming to be a doctor or medical professional. All I can say is, that OUR OWN HEALTH is something we should take responsibility for OURSELVES, long before our health gets so bad that we need to seek professional medical care. However, many people prefer to live and eat any way… Continue reading