Religious Parodies
A look at the foolishness of sin and sinners. Some parodies consist of photos before and after editing, to point out the truth behind the original image being portrayed. Other parodies consist of written commentaries and dialogues on things man considers sacred and God considers profane.
Happy Easter?
Happy Easter?
Should Christians Celebrate Easter?
Did the Lord Jesus Christ – the Son of the living God – leave His throne in heaven, come to earth as the scapegoat for our sins, and allow himself to be beaten and killed so that we could go around celebrating a holiday in honor of a pagan fertility goddess named Eastre? I don’t think so. But many professing Christians don’t seem to have a problem with this “holiday”. Some even look… Continue reading
Spurgeon’s Arminian Prayer
The Prayer Of Those Who Believe In The False “Free Will” Gospel
Charles H. Spurgeon, a famous reformed (Calvinistic) Baptist preacher of the 1800s, is quoted in the following prayer. Spurgeon made up this “pharisaical prayer” in order to illustrate the human pride underlying the idea of an unsaved, ungodly, rebellious – and spiritually dead – sinner exercising his “free-will” to choose the Lord Jesus Christ as his Savior, i.e. to come to Christ of his own free-will.
“Lord,… Continue reading
The Happy Slappy Clappy Church
The Happy Slappy Clappy Church
(A Parody About The Modern Man-Pleasing Seeker-Friendly Church)
We are the modern-day seeker-friendly feel-good church. Our church does not have a statement of faith because we don’t want to be considered dogmatic or legalistic about what we believe. Neither do we want anyone to feel left out or unwelcome because they may not agree with us on something. We want everyone (with some exceptions[1]) to be able to relate to us and our church… Continue reading
Prayers Of Spoiled Americans
Prayers Of Spoiled Americans
How a spoiled nation and a dead church pray:
- Lord, please let my favorite football team win the Superbowl. It’s really important to me and I know how you like to bless people.
- Lord, please let me win the lottery, the big one, just once. I just need to win it once and then I’ll be happy. You want me to be happy, don’t you?
- Lord, I need a big Christmas bonus or a… Continue reading