Should unmarried men serve as church leaders?
Should Unmarried Men Serve As Church Leaders?
Should unmarried men, men who have never been married, serve as church leaders. What does the Bible say?
- 1Timothy 3:2 – “A bishop then must be blameless, the husband of one wife, vigilant, sober, of good behaviour, given to hospitality, apt to teach;”
- 1Timothy 3:12 – “Let the deacons be the husbands of one wife, ruling their children and their own houses well.”
- Titus 1:6 – “If any be blameless,… Continue reading
Issues Pertaining To Church Elders
Issues Pertaining To Church Elders
Appointing church leaders is a most serious matter and if mishandled, can have dire consequences for the future of any church. So if a church is to be spiritually healthy, it needs to appoint elders based upon:
- What are the biblical qualifications of elders
- What are the main responsibilities of an elder
- Who – in the congregation – meets the qualifications
The Bible gives us information on what to look for in… Continue reading
Reverend Who?
Reverend Who?Are costumes & titles for church leaders biblical?
Is this subject something really worth concerning ourselves with? Absolutely yes. All biblical truth is important and by ignoring a seemingly trivial spiritual issue we may be opening the door of our lives to some very serious spiritual problems.
Religious clothing:
Why do so many church leaders dress differently from the rest of the congregation? Some leaders wear expensive suits, some wear robes, some wear… Continue reading |
Doctor Or Brother?
Doctor Or Brother?
by A.W. Pink
What strange methods God sometimes employs in teaching His children much needed lessons! This has recently been the writer’s experience. I have been approached by a “university” to accept from them a degree of “D.D.” Asking for time to be given so that I might prayerfully seek from God, through His written word, a knowledge of His will, fuller light came than was expected. I had very serious doubt’s as to the permissibility of… Continue reading
The Litmus Test For Churches
The Litmus Test For ChurchesDoes YOUR Church Pass It?Does YOUR Gospel Pass It?
Many Christians use all kinds of tests (criteria) to determine if a church or ministry is OK (safe to be a part of) or if instead, they are wolves in sheep’s clothing (and should be avoided). Some Christians check to see if the ministry adheres to the Apostle’s Creed. Some folks just see if the church or ministry claims to “believe in Jesus”, whatever… Continue reading |