Forgiveness Of Sins In Catholicism
Forgiveness Of Sins In The False Gospel Of Catholicism
Something tells me that Catholics think they don’t need Jesus. Look at what they think they can do to get rid of their sins.
Here are ten things that remit venial sins, according to the Catholic “saint” Thomas Aquinas. Bear in mind that this is a quote from a Catholic “saint” who NEVER mentioned Jesus when he mentioned how to get rid of sins.
Any act that confers… Continue reading
Is The Catholic Church Still Murdering Heretics?
Is The Catholic Church Still Murdering Heretics And Their Other Enemies?
It Sure Looks That Way
Many people think that the Jesuits of the Catholic Church are simply one of many groups of Catholic priests of various Catholic orders or sects, rather than a secret society of papal assassins. And if you even suggest that those Jesuits could be part of an evil army of Catholic assassins based out of the Vatican in Rome, you are quickly labeled a… Continue reading
An Immune System Boosting Regimen
An Immune System Boosting Regimen
A recommended list of immune system boosting foods, supplements and activities
This article identifies various foods, drinks, vitamins, minerals and supplements that many doctors and nutritionists recommend to help repair or strengthen your immune system. There are no suggested amounts or doses. It is up to you to do the research necessary to find out what things in the list are safe for you and in what amounts. You may wish to consult… Continue reading
A “Last Days” Church
A “Last Days” Church
People talk a lot about how we are living in “the end times” or “the last days”. Well what evidence is there of that? Obviously, one example is gross immorality world wide to the point where the entire world is now as immoral as the two cities of Sodom and Gomorrah. (days of Noah).
Another obvious sign is apostasy in the Church, the corporate Church throughout the world. Some of that apostasy is manifested… Continue reading
The Providence Of God In Our Lives
The Providence Of God In Our Lives
A short story about a trip that had a purpose that I had never envisioned.
“Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.” Proverbs 3:5
This is a story about how God works in our lives to accomplish His purposes. It is a true story with some vivid examples of how God orchestrates circumstances in our lives for our good and for… Continue reading