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A “Last Days” Church

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A “Last Days” Church

People talk a lot about how we are living in “the end times” or “the last days”. Well what evidence is there of that? Obviously, one example is gross immorality world wide to the point where the entire world is now as immoral as the two cities of Sodom and Gomorrah. (days of Noah).
Another obvious sign is apostasy in the Church, the corporate Church throughout the world. Some of that apostasy is manifested in false doctrine and false practices, like the many “prosperity” preachers spreading their apostate “God wants you to be rich and happy in this life”, when the truth is that God wants you to store up treasure in heaven and He wants you to have spiritual peace and joy, not worldly “happiness” based upon what you own or don’t own.
As if false doctrines were not bad enough, we now have “gay” pastors performing “gay” weddings and women pastors becoming commonplace when the Bible says that a requirement for a pastor (or elder) is to be “the husband of one wife” (1Timothy 3:2). And now we even have lesbian woman pastors as seen here in this photo:

What’s Wrong With This Picture?


apostate last days end time churches

NOTE: We are not out to “dox” anyone and so we have purposely blacked out any personally identifying information other than first names.
Does the Church get any more apostate than this? Will God withhold His judgment on the earth much longer? Will not God have to apologize to Sodom and Gomorrah and even the people of Noah’s flood if He does not judge this wicked world very soon?
What do YOU think?


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