"...Forgive my trespasses as I forgive those who trespass against me..."
People hurt each other, Sometimes without knowing; Some of us are clumsy -- We don't where we're going. We are blessed to get up in time, To do all we need to get done, We're never caught up, we're always behind, Don't make me laugh -- there's no time for fun!
So at times if I seem short-tempered, Won't you please forgive me. I'm doing my… Continue reading
Lord, I don’t know how To love You like I should,
After everything You’ve done for me.
Lord, I don’t know who else Would have gone that far for me,
What You Yourself endured upon that tree.
Lord, the unthinkable agonies,
As You were hanging from that cross,
What a price You had to pay to set me free!
How do I show my appreciation,
And demonstrate my thankfulness,
For what… Continue reading
Arminianism At Its Core Is A Man-Centered Unbiblical Heresy
Arminianism At Its Core Is A Man-Centered Unbiblical Heresy
The Arminianism heresy is the false free-will gospel that says we have the power within our fallen nature to turn to God while yet unregenerated. To expose this heresy all we need to do is put this “free–will” gospel into the context of what the Bible has to say about the unregenerated soul.
If the Free Will gospel is true then I’m not boasting when I say:
- I adopted… Continue reading
Do Any True Atheists Really Exist?
Do Any True Atheists Really Exist?
Besides the fact that you would have to be really ignorant, perhaps willfully ignorant, to think that the entire universe and everything in it came from nothing or had no maker or “first cause” (i.e. god), how can anyone who wishes to be honest – deny the overwhelming evidence in the world around them and deny the unquestionable signs of the handiwork of a super Intelligent Designer. Point at a car and tell the… Continue reading