The Gospel Exam
The Gospel Exam
What Is The Gospel? Think you know? Think again…
This simple 5 question test will determine if you really know the Gospel.
Don’t be surprised if you get the wrong answer for any or even all of these questions. Circle the letter that “best” answers the question. If you believe more than one answer applies, circle more than one letter.
1. What does the Gospel say about the state of man (mankind’s spiritual condition… Continue reading
False Doctrines In Christianity Today
False Doctrines In Christianity Today
“I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth” [3 John 1:4]
Many well meaning yet mis-taught Christians and others who claim to be Christians are preaching lots of things that sound ‘good’ on the surface but at the root are anything but true. Some of these lies (modern unscriptural ideas about Christianity) are discussed below as a wake-up call to all true born-again Bible-believing disciples of the… Continue reading
The Loving Art of Spanking
The Loving Art of Spanking
by Philip Lancaster
One of the saddest stories in the Bible is that of Eli and his sons (1 Samuel 2-4). Eli was the chief priest of Israel in the generation before King Saul. It was he to whom the boy Samuel was entrusted by his mother Hannah, to be raised in the priestly family. Eli’s sons, Hophni and Phinehas, served as priests under the direction of their father during the time Samuel was… Continue reading
The Dangers of Dating
The Dangers of Dating
Love and marriage, love and marriage go together like a horse and carriage. This refrain from a song that predates my generation comes a lot closer to reflecting biblical truth than most of the music of my Baby-Boomer peers. At least back then it was cool to celebrate marriage as the natural context for love (though we don’t kid ourselves that these folks were into betrothal). Music since has generally celebrated the liberation of “love”… Continue reading
Betrothal: Should We Kiss Courtship Goodbye?
Betrothal: Should We Kiss Courtship Goodbye?
By Israel Wayne
Courtship is taking the nation by storm. It seems any homeschool convention of substance has an “expert” on marriage preparation who usually explains how courtship is a wise and even “Biblical” alternative to dating. Even the secular media is jumping on the bandwagon, talking about the newest hair-brained scheme of these radical homeschoolers. “What will they think of next?!”
This may come as a surprise to many, but I… Continue reading