Disturbing 501c3 Corporate Church Report
Disturbing 501c3 Corporate Church Report
by Scott Johnson – February 2009
In order to be licensed as a “legal” church eligable for tax exempt status, the government requires a church to incorporate as what is called a 501c3 non-profit organization. In so doing, the government has control over those churches and will have its nose in the financial affairs of the local church and its members. The early Christians in the Bible met in each other’s homes (Philemon 1:2),… Continue reading
Some Church History
Some Church History
If we wish to understand why Christianity is the way it is today and if we wish to avoid making the mistakes others have made in their Christian life, it behooves us to study Church history. The people listed here had a major impact on the church, some for its good and some for its bad. We will stay away from modern day preachers and teachers, leaving that for another study.
Throughout… Continue reading
The Only Kind Of New Testament Church
The Only Kind Of New Testament Church
Mentioned In The Bible
What is the only kind of local church mentioned in the New Testament? One with a steeple and a cross on top? No. One with a big sign out front? No. One with lots of pews? No. One with a nice pulpit and sound system? No. One with hundreds or thousands of members? No. One with a robed choir? No. One with a youth pastor and a singles… Continue reading
What Exactly Is A “Worship Service”?
What Exactly Is A “Worship Service”?
Most conventional churches practice something they refer to as a “worship service”. It is nowhere described in the Bible but it is carried out every Sunday (or Saturday for the Sabbatarians) in just about every so-called Christian church around the world, except perhaps in some persecuted, underground churches and a few other churches that have broken away from the “status quo”. What most folks call a “worship service’ is a routine that is… Continue reading
A Sincere Appeal By Carl Ketcherside
A Sincere Appeal
(Regarding The Pattern Of The Gatherings Of The Church)
By W. Carl Ketcherside
When Ezekiel was carried away captive into Babylon, the city of Jerusalem was not yet destroyed. One day the prophet was sitting in his foreign house with some of the elders of Judah, when he saw a dazzling vision. A man appeared who took him by a lock of his hair, and the Spirit lifted him up between heaven and earth, and was… Continue reading