The Almost Christian
The Almost Christian
by George Whitefield
“Almost thou persuadest me to be a Christian.”
[Acts 26:28]
Editor’s note: there are some points made in the following treatise that may lead a person to think that salvation is based on a person’s moral performance and the degree thereof. Hence, you will see some text in brackets added to clarify the original author’s message.
The chapter, out of which the text is taken, contains an admirable account which the… Continue reading
Fake-ianity – Counterfeit Christianity For Modern Man
Fake-ianity – Counterfeit Christianity For Modern Man
“Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.”
[2Timothy 3:5]
Fake-ianity? What’s that?
Fake-ianity is imitation Christianity… Christianity without meat, superficial at its best, counterfeit at its worst. Another name for it is “churchianity”. How do we know if we are involved in fake-ianity. Well, there are some very obvious signs. For one thing, it involves fake fellowship, fake worship, fake discipleship, fake communion, fake… Continue reading
The Gospel – What Is It?
The Gospel – What Is It?
James Haldane
The Gospel is the good news of pardon to the guilty; and it enters into no calculations, in regard to the different degrees of guilt in those whom it addresses. It reveals an atonement sufficient for all; and every sinner of the human race is commanded to receive it as a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation, that Jesus Christ came into the world to save the chief of… Continue reading