Brother Kane
The Gospel – What Is It?
The Gospel – What Is It?
James Haldane
The Gospel is the good news of pardon to the guilty; and it enters into no calculations, in regard to the different degrees of guilt in those whom it addresses. It reveals an atonement sufficient for all; and every sinner of the human race is commanded to receive it as a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation, that Jesus Christ came into the world to save the chief of… Continue reading
The Gift Nobody Wants
The Gift Nobody Wants
There is a gift that nobody wants and yet it is the most important and valuable gift in all the world. It is a gift that most people think they already have or that they don’t have a need for. WHAT IS THIS GIFT? It is the gift of salvation, through Jesus Christ… “For the wages of sin is death; but the GIFT of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.” [Romans 6:23]. You… Continue reading
The Blind Faith Of Evolutionists
The Blind Faith Of Evolutionists
(or Evolution = Voodoo Science)
“The heavens declare the glory of God;
and the firmament showeth his handiwork”
[Psalm 19:1]
Many people zealously defend the theory of evolution when it should have been laughed out of the classroom a long time ago. If you spend just a few minutes honestly analyzing the theory, you will see that it takes blind faith to believe that it is a credible theory of the origin of… Continue reading
10 Reasons Why I Swear
10 Reasons Why I Swear
St. Patrick’s Day
St. Patrick’s Day
A good day to get drunk?
So what is the purpose of this holiday called Saint Patty’s Day? Well if you observe most people who celebrate it, who really are in love with this day, the purpose is quite simple… to drink until you get drunk… to celebrate drunkenness. But did you ever stop to consider what God thinks about all this? Do you think that He put you here on this earth to waste time and… Continue reading