Audio messages, video messages, printed messages about protestantism, the Bible, and God’s plan of salvation.
Words To Evangelists About Preaching The Gospel
Words To Evangelists About Preaching The Gospel
By C.H. Spurgeon
Charles Spurgeon (1834-1892, Pastor & Evangelist)
Preaching About Hell
“In some professed Christians their pity for the criminal has overcome their horror at the crime. Eternal punishment is denied, not because the scriptures are not plain enough on that point, but because man has become the god of man, and everything must be toned down to suit the tender feelings of an age which excuses sin but denounces… Continue reading
Qualifications For Soul Winning
Qualifications For Soul Winning
by Charles Spurgeon
Qualifications For Soul Winning – Towards God
1. Holiness of character. If you are not yourself holy, no souls will be saved.
2. You must have a spiritual life to a high degree.
3. A humble spirit.
4. A living faith.
5. You must believe that God has called you to preach the Gospel, and that you will do it with confidence and courage.
6. You must believe the message you deliver… Continue reading
Dead Atheists
Dead Atheists
Charles Darwin Is Dead
Carl Sagan Is Dead
Jesus Is Alive!
The Lord Jesus Christ is alive because Jesus is God. Jesus was seen by over 500 eyewitnesses after his resurrection from the dead. On Judgment Day Jesus will judge Charles Darwin, Carl Sagan, Richard Dawkins, Christopher Hitchens, every other atheist who ever lived – and YOU – whether you are an atheist or not!
And saying you’re an atheist won’t make God go away and won’t… Continue reading
The First Halloween Costume
The First Halloween Costume
“The LORD seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the LORD looketh on the heart.” [1Samuel 16:7]
Did you ever wonder what the first halloween costume was like? Well wonder no further. The question has now been answered. The first halloween costume was a set of his-and-hers clothing made with fig leaves. That’s right! It was worn by Adam and Eve. Ever since the fall of man in… Continue reading