Heart-Surgery by Robert Bolton
by Robert Bolton (1572-1631)
“Now when they heard this, they were pricked in their heart, and said unto Peter and to the rest of the apostles, Men and brethren, what shall we do?” Acts 2:37
In these words, there is shown a thorough wounding of the hearts of these men when they had heard of the greatness of their sin. Therefore observe that contrition in a new-born soul, is ordinarily in proportion to his former… Continue reading
A Short Catechism On Religious Fasting
A Short Catechism On Religious Fasting
Greg L. Price
I. Question: What is religious fasting?
Religious fasting is denying the natural appetite for food from a true conviction of its warrant in Scripture and with a view to one’s glorifying God by the crucifixion of sin and enjoyment of mercy on the grounds of the merit of Jesus Christ alone.
1. It is either the complete denial of food for a period of time (2 Samuel 12:16) or it is the… Continue reading
Any Bible Translation Will Do
Any Bible Translation Will Do?
Advice from apostate churches about which Bible translation to use:
- Use whatever Bible version you like.
- Use whatever version you are most comfortable with.
- Use the version your church has in the pew racks.
- Use the Bible version that your pastor uses.
- Use the most recent Bible version. Newer is better, right?
- Use the most popular Bible version. It must be good if everyone likes it, right?
Why Don’t We Have Altar Calls?
We don’t have altar calls because God saves not by geographic location nor by relocation but by regeneration. |
The Evolution Of Richard Dawkins
The Evolution Of Richard Dawkins
Here we take a look at what the theory of evolution boils down to when you put it down on paper in unadulterated language. Many evolutionists will argue that the analogies in the slides are somewhat incorrect in one way or another, but in reality, they themselves can’t make any “corrections” with any degree of assurance, since all the timelines and so-called “transitional forms” or transitional fossils cited by evolutionists are pure speculation anyway. … Continue reading