COVID-19 Pandemic Plandemic Scamdemic News Articles
COVID-19 Pandemic – Plandemic – Scamdemic News Articles
Other Vaccine Related News Articles Can Be Found Here Also
DISCLAIMER: Due to the large volume of articles from a universe of many different sources, it is not possible for us to verify the accuracy of all the information presented here. If there is an article that you have questions about, please do your own “due diligence” using search engines and other means to further investigate the material in question. Thanks.
The COVID-19 Vaccination Project which purports to be some independent “fact checkers” exposing false claims on the experimental vaccines is actually funded by one of Big Pharma’s major companies. It’s the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation which holds $1.9 billion in Johnson & Johnson stock and it’s CEO is Richard Besser, the former director of the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) under President Barack Obama. Click here for more info:
Unseen Crisis – Vaccine Stories You Were Never Told
Recent COVID-19 Virus and Vaccine Related Articles:
Most recent articles are listed first – for the most part
- Yale Scientists Link COVID Shot to a Rare, Alarming Syndrome that Causes “Distinct Biological Changes” in the Body
- Ex-Pfizer VP Blows Whistle: Covid Vaccines Were Designed Intentionally to Harm People
- Kill Shot: Dr. Mark Trozzi Exposes mRNA Vaccines as a Genetically Engineered Bioweapon and Reveals Groundbreaking Recovery Solutions (Video)
- Why Are Indians So Angry at Bill Gates?
- Bill Gates New Bioterror Project Exposed
- Top Epidemiologist Blows Whistle on Bill Gates Bioterrorism Plot
- State Allows Psychiatric Facilities to Forcibly Vaccinate Patients Against COVID-19
- EXPERT: Nattokinase detoxifies covid spike proteins from the bodyf
- STUDY: Most Americans have been vaccinated for covid whether they wanted it or not due to shedding
- Covid jab spike proteins get delivered to ALL bodily organs, resulting in hyper-accelerated aging
- Covid jab spike proteins cause lymphocytes to “chew a hole in the aorta,” warns Dr. Cole
- Here’s how to detox from the COVID spike protein – from the jab or the virus
- Stop the WHO Tyranny – Speech by Dr. David Martin
- Renowned Doctor: mRNA Bioweapon Has Destroyed Immune Systems of Covid-Vaxxed
- Study of 9 Million Exposes ‘Devastating’ Neurological Damage Surge Among Covid-Vaxxed
- FDA Lab Uncovers Excess DNA Contamination in COVID-19 Vaccines
- Shocking report in the UK finds 95% of COVID-19 deaths were among the vaccinated
- Another Child Killed; 53 Days After COVID Vaccine
- Be Prepared to Be Shocked and Disgusted: Tucker Guest Explains the Horrors of the MMR Vaccine
- PRION-CONTAMINATED PORK ALERT: All across the United States, pigs can be “vaccinated” with millions of deadly prions via mRNA clot shots – UNLABELED
- Secret Pfizer Report Reveals 40% Spike in Heart Conditions Among Covid-Vaxxed
- Plandemic 2.0: Gruesome Newsom Declares State of Emergency Over Bird Flu
- Kash Patel: Gina Haspel Authorized the CIA to Pay Officers to LIE About Covid Origins
- CDC Rolls Out 200 Routine Vaccines for 2025, Way up From 1983’s Seven Routine Childhood Injections, Zero for Adults and Pregnant Women
- Chief Attorney for FDA Admitted There Was No Reason to Discourage People From Taking Ivermectin
- Major Study Confirms Covid-Vaxxed Cause Side Effects in Unvaccinated People
- Important History Lesson: The Rockefeller Takeover of Medicine
- After 4 YEARS of wearing a COVID MASK, millions of Americans are now mentally and physically IMPAIRED
- Canada Begins Euthanizing Citizens with Covid Vaccination Syndrome
- Bombshell Documentary Exposes Fauci’s COVID Crimes & Coverup
- Renowned Virologist Warns Fully Vaxxed Have Just Years Left to Live: Tsunami of Death Is Upon Us
- Top German Doctor Raises Alarm over mRNA Shots: Covid Is Harmless
- Pfizer Insider Reveals Vaccinated People Will Soon Start ‘Bleeding From Every Orifice’
- U.S. D.O.D issued contract for Covid-19 Research to a company in Ukraine, 3 months before Covid-19 was known to exist
- Remdesivir Quietly Gets Recalled and We Have Questions
- RFK: I Have Evidence to Lock Up CDC and Big Pharma Execs for Life
- 70 Jabs in Recommended Child Vaxx Schedule Has NOT Produced Healthier Kids
- Top Molecular Virologist Confirms Covid Shots Cause Cancer
- Turbo Cancer Explodes
- Forced to get 3 vaccines to receive medical care, 23-year-old Alexis Lorenze is now fighting for her life
- If the COVID shots are so safe, then why have over 80% of NHS employees refused to take another booster?
- Hospitals Euthanized Patients To Boost Covid Deaths, Whistleblowers Testify
- The government cartel paid billions to Walgreens and CVS not to fill Ivermectin Prescriptions
- Medical Gives PROOF The US Govt Carried Out Absolutely HORRIFIC Mass Murders And Genocide Upon Americans!
- NO CRIMINAL INDICTMENTS: Florida Grand Jury Finds No Evidence of Criminal Activity by COVID-19 Vaccine Manufacturers
- Sen. Rand Paul Calls For The Immediate Arrest Of “Evil” Dr. Fauci For COVID-era Crimes Against Humanity
- Bill Gates Calls for Anti-Vaxxers to Be Censored by AI: Questioning Vaccines Is Inciting Violence
- Just Another Reason to Hate the Medical Industrial Complex – a doctor’s experience with drug prescription approvals
- Ex-Big Pharma Chemist Shane Ellison Blows Whistle on the Horrors of Big Pharma
- Big Pharma Whistleblower Calley Means Reveals the Most Profitable Dynamic in the Health Industry
- Trump was Right: Study Shows Countless Lives Could Have Been Saved with Hydroxychloroquine
- James O’Keefe Taunts Fauci Before He Drops The NIH Tapes
- Canada Begins Euthanizing Citizens with Covid Vaccination Syndrome
- Pharmaceutical Narratives Surrounding the Flu Are Based on Fraud and Are Primarily Designed to Sell Worthless Vaccines
- 600 Service Members Suddenly Drop Dead After Taking COVID-19 Drug Remdesivir
- Excessive DNA Contamination in mRNA Vaccines Presents ‘Substantial Risk’ of Cancer, Say 52 Scientists and Academics
- COVID vaccines worsen outcomes after heart attacks in patients with prior infection, study suggest
- Christian Pastors Caught Taking Bribes from Government to Push COVID Shots
- Florida Woman, 23, Left Blind After Being Forced to Take 3 Vaccine injections
- Forced Vaccinations Now LEGAL in New Zealand, Anyone Who Refuses Will Be Injected Against Their Will
- Top Pharmacist Blows Whistle: Doctors Ordered KILL Patients Before COVID Lockdown
- Gym Owner Who Defied Lockdowns Wins Victory after Court Dismisses 80 Charges
- This blood taken from a vaccinated patient. After three minutes STARTED Clotting! It usually takes 30 minutes for blood to clot in an SST tube, not 3 minutes.
- Monkeypox: Evidence Of The Pandemic Preparedness Lie
- Vax Propaganda Thrives At LA Times: Skipping COVID Booster Could Reduce Your IQ
- FEMA Still Paying $9,000 For COVID Funerals, Billions On Pandemic Payouts
- Dr. Fauci admits social distancing was not science based
- AFL exposes internal Facebook documents used for training CDC employees on censoring the public
- CONFIRMED: The vaccine industry is deliberately CAUSING measles outbreaks
- MEDICAL INSANITY: CDC adds multiple COVID-19 vaccines to the baby vaccine schedule, and they aren’t even licensed
- UN and WHO coordinate massive POLIO vaccine experiment on 640,000 displaced Palestinian children
- Scientist Demonstrates That The Vaccinated Are Shedding Graphene Oxide To The Unvaxxed
- Death Shot: Japanese Study Confirms Presence Of Self-Assembling ‘Worm-Like’ Nanotechnology In MRNA Vaccines
- Cancer Researcher: Ivermectin Can Overcome Chemotherapy Resistance of Turbo Cancers Caused by mRNA Jabs
- Here They Go Again: COVID CASES THIS WEEK – 177,573 est. – The COVID Scam Is Coming Back
- Virologists Blow-the-Whistle: MPOX is actually Known Side-Effect of COVID Vax
- PROGRAMMED DEATH: Science proves billions of mRNA VACCINE NANOPARTICLES might be used to control appetite and emotions of entire vaxxed populations
- Vaxxed III movie exposes the shocking true stories of HOSPITAL HOMICIDE across America
- Ivermectin’s neuroprotective properties could protect against damage from EMFs, vaccines
- Vaccines Killed Far More People than Covid
- U.S. Will Pay Moderna $176 Million to Develop mRNA Bird Flu Vaccine
- Stroke Risk: Covid Shots 200 Times More Likely to Cause Blood Clots in Brain”>Trust The Science…That Just Retracted 11,000 Peer Reviewed Papers
- Hospitals Euthanized Patients To Boost Covid Deaths, Whistleblowers Testify
- Top 7 COVER STORIES Big Pharma forced MSM to run to hide disastrous health consequences of mRNA clot shots
- Dr. Sabine Hazan reveals that important gut bacteria are ERASED by COVID vaccines
- World Economic Forum Finally Tells the Truth About Covid: It Was a Test of Our Obedience to Rapidly Forming New World Order
- We Have Been LIED TO… The Dr Banned For Speaking Out – Dr Aseem Malhotra
- Fauci is put on notice, told to preserve records for major free speech lawsuit
- The Twisted Psychology of Covid Mask-Wearing and Why So Many Democrats and Liberals Still Wear Them Everywhere
- Oxygen Deprivation Mask Syndrome (ODMS)
- SPIKE PROTEIN SYNDROME: WebMD Covid vaccine complaint board plastered with horrific descriptions of sustained critical injuries from toxic clot shots
- WHISTLEBLOWER: Medical device sales expert reveals morbidly unsuccessful Covid VENTILATORS as deadly therapy in this population reduction scamdemic
- Dr. Bryan Ardis: Fauci knows remdesivir is KILLING PEOPLE
- Medical authorities claim 90% of population suddenly has mysterious new heart syndrome that sounds like SPIKE PROTEIN organ damage
- Biopsy specialists from Japan confirm COVID jabs cause deadly heart failure
- Australian Doctor Got Turbo Brain Cancer After Two COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines
- 2 Million Americans dead from covid vaccines and it all started with the Department of Defense
- Young man suffers month-long debilitation and death after taking Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine
- COVID jabs induce 723x more brain clots than flu shots, shocking study finds
- Philippine government reports 297,000 excess deaths linked to COVID-19 vaccines
- Biopsy specialists from Japan confirm COVID jabs cause deadly heart failure
- Heart failure surge among children linked to COVID-19 vaccines
- Once-rare facial paralysis disease surges due to COVID jabs
- Report: VACCINES and LOCKDOWNS are responsible for excess all-cause mortality, not COVID-19 infection
- COVID jabs induce 723x more brain clots than flu shots, shocking study finds
- Big Pharma admits mRNA vaccine causes CANCER
- Top Doctor Confirms Ivermectin Cures Cancer
- Dr. Alphonso Monzo warns about implications of 5G and self-replicating nanocircuitry on the jabbed masses
- EXCESS DEATHS: how much longer can this horror story be suppressed. (video)
- Injecting nano lipids into 5.7 billion people
- Dr David Martin Breaks Down How The Covid Vaccine Is Not a Vaccine Like Big Pharma Claimed (video)
- Study shows COVID-19 injections have so far caused a staggering 17 MILLION deaths
- If you got vaccinated for COVID, you’re more likely to die: STUDY
- COVID injections cause neurological disease followed by DEATH, study finds
- Kansas SUES PFIZER for making misleading claims about effectiveness and risks of its COVID-19 vaccine
- U.S Army Admits Covid Shot Caused Soldier’s Heart Failure
- Cuomo Blames COVID-19 Nursing Home Order On Unknown Staffer During Testimony To Congress
- High court rules Covid mRNA jab is NOT A VACCINE, so what is it?
- The Unseen Crisis Vaccine Stories You Were Never Told
- COVID (mRNA) Vaccines cannot be mandated — 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals
- Flip-Flopping Fascist Fear Fuhrer Fauci Tries to Blame Everyone Else for 6-Ft Distance Debacle
- Fuhrer Fauci Tells Rep Jim Jordan That During the Scamdemic He Kept An Open Mind
- Fauci’s Agency Raked In $690 Million From Big Pharma In The Wake Of Pandemic Lockdowns
- People Were Dying Within Hours From The Shots Warns Hospital Whistleblower
- Covid Injection May Induce Thyroid-related Autoimmune Disorders
- Another trial shows ivermectin provides HUGE benefits for health, with dramatic reductions in hospitalization
- Almost Half Of Health Care Workers Hesitant To Take COVID-19 Boosters
- Pfizer is ‘deeply sorry’
- New Study documents COVID19 Vaccine harms – Low platelets, GBS, Myocarditis
- White clots common (in autopsies of those who were Covid vaxxed)
- The Madness Continues: Chinese Scientists Create Mutant Ebola Virus
- Bombshell: Google (And YouTube) Funded Covid-19 Bioweapon Development, Study Reveals
- Pfizer Whistleblower Melissa McAtee Declares She’s Not Suicidal
- Japan Fights Back Against WHO Pandemic Treaty and Deadly Shots
- Stella Paul Reveals the Truth About the Deadly COVID Hospital Protocols
- Weaponized Healthcare – Deadly Covid Vaccine Ingredients and Legal Frameworks for State-Sponsored Biochemical Warfare and MURDER
- Approximately 100,000 US covid-19 deaths could be attributed to renal failure caused by Remdesivir
- Covid Vaccine Emails: Here’s What the CDC Hid Behind All Its Redactions
- Dr. Pierre Kory Reveals Why Ivermectin Had to Be Destroyed (by the media)
- A Turbo Cancer “Dual Diagnosis” Phenomenon in the COVID-19 Vaccinated – Ten couples who both got cancer
- Embalmer Reveals 50 Percent of Bodies Containing “White, Fibrous” Clots Since April/May 2021
- Air Vax — The Latest mRNA Delivered Into Lungs
- COVID Vaccines Damage ALL Hearts, Study Finds
- North Dakota Senator Warned About mRNA Jabs — He and His Family Died Yesterday in a Plane Crash
- Psychosis, Panic Attacks, Hallucinations: Bizarre Psychiatric Cases Among the COVID Vaccinated
- New Studies: Pfizer’s Paxlovid doesn’t actually work, ‘rebound’ symptoms occur 25x more often than advertised
- Heroic doctor dies days after exposing deadly COVID-Vax component
- FDA Settles Ivermectin Case, Agrees To Remove Controversial ‘Stop It’ Post
- Peter Sweden: New mRNA Side Effect: *Safe and Effective* was a LIE
- LOOK: 25 Years Wiped from Life Expectancy of Fully Vaxxed
- Those Who Are ‘Vaxxed And Boosted’ May Have ‘Immune Imprinting’ That Ignores New Jabs
- Gates-Funded Plan to Vaccinate 86 Million Girls Against HPV Will Unleash Mass Casualty Event
- Worldwide Vaccine Holocaust CONFIRMED as wave of studies reveal devastating rise in All-Cause Mortality
- Shot Dead – COVID Documentary
- The Vaxxed Walking Dead Dropping Like Flies In 2024 Ensures Medical Tyranny
- One in four who had Pfizer Covid jabs experienced unintended immune response
- Epic new study just revealed the true horror and lies behind the vaxx
- We’ll Soon Be Vaxxed By Chemtrails Sprayed In The Sky In Top Secret Military Ops Without Our Knowledge Or Consent, Moves To Depopulate The Planet They’ve Been Working On For Decades
- Bret Weinstein Exposes the World Health Organization’s Dark Agenda to Tucker
- CRISIS: Denver Hospital Caught Injecting LIVE Ebola Vaccine In Workers Now Overwhelmed by Illegals, Has Racked Up $136M In Unpaid Care In 2023 Alone
- Florida Surgeon General says DNA contaminants in COVID-19 vaccines are beyond the pale
- Dr. Pierre Kory: When a Young Person Dies Unexpectedly, It Is the Vaccine Until Proven Otherwise
- AIDS-Like Illness Spreading Rapidly Among Vaccinated, Experts Warn
- Study Reveals the Power of COFFEE Against Covid-19
- Canadian Doctors Admit Covid Vaccine Left Woman Paralyzed, Offer to Euthanize Her to Make Up For It
- Study Finds Hearing And Balance Disorders Among COVID-19 Vaccinated
- Dr. Sherri Tenpenny reveals the comprehensive list of VACCINE INJURY MECHANISMS that explain all the injuries and deaths
- Top 10 aliases for vaccine-induced injuries blamed on COVID
- The Terrifying Reality of Pfrankenstein Proteins in mRNA Nanotech Injections
- California’s population numbers drop to 2015 pre-COVID levels as EXCESS DEATHS soar
- People Who Received Ivermectin Were Better Off, Study Finds
- Why Does a Rothschild Hold the 2015 Patent for Covid-19 Testing?
- Childhood Vaccine Schedule Led to the Greatest Decline in Public Health in Human History
- Senator Johnsons Senate Panel On The Vaccines Is The Red Pill We’ve All Been Waiting For
- How To Detoxify and Heal From Vaccinations – For Adults and Children
- Red Cross Tacitly Concedes Blood of COVID Vax-Injected Is Tainted
- Groundbreaking Global Study on 99 Million Vaccinated People Reveals Increases in Neurological, Blood, and Heart Conditions Associated with COVID-19 Vaccines
- Suppressed Studies: Vaccines Increase Brain Injuries, Chr. Disease in Kids
- What I’d Tell You Over Coffee If You Asked If We Vaccinate
- Do Face Masks Pose Serious Risks To Children & to the Healthy?
- Doctors Offit, Hotez, Fauci Warned Vaccine May Trigger Lethal Rxn
- Child Injured in Covid Jab Trial Is Ignored
- Medical Staff Ordered to Euthanize ‘Covid’ Patients: Leaked Docs
- Graphic: Embalmer Records Huge Blood Clot Being Pulled From Someone’s Jugular
- Florida’s Surgeon General Joseph Ladapo Confirms Detection of DNA Fragments in COVID mRNA Vaccines
- New Zealand Covid-19 Vaxx Database Admin Blows the Whistle on Pfizer Jab Deaths
- Quarantine Camps: Democrats Endgame Beta Test To Lock Up Americans With No Due Process If Liberal State Leaders Claim To Suspect Exposure To Viruses, Has Just Taken One More Step Towards Reality
- Hochul administration wins appeal in lawsuit over quarantine orders
- New York’s Forced Quarantine Camps Take Effect! The Rise of Hochul’s Tyrannical Health Dictatorship
- Texas AG Ken Paxton Sues Pfizer For False, Deceptive Covid Jab Con
- They’re Using the COVID Playbook All Over Again – This time, it’s – White Lung Syndrome – to Steal the 2024 Election
- Hero Doctor Gives Saline Instead Of Death Shot: Doctor’s Bravery Saved Thousands Of Lives
- FDA Cover-up? New Data Obtained Shows MMR Vaccine Approved on Clinical Trials of Only 342 Children – Half Suffered Side Effects
- Tell Your Pediatrician To Trash His Prescribed Childhood Vaccination Schedule
- Harvard-Trained Immunologist Demolishes California Legislation That Terminates Vaccine Exemptions
- NURSE WHISTLEBLOWER: Serious Vaccine Damage Happening To Infants Routinely In Hospitals
- THE VACCINE CONSPIRACY: U.S. Government Colludes With Big Pharma To Poison The American People
- 5 1/2 month-old infant dies after 8 vaccines IN ONE DAY – SIDS Put On Death Certificate
- Moderna Admits mRNA Covid Jab Causes Cancer, Billions of DNA Fragments Found in Vials
- As More Americans Refuse Big Pharma’s COVID “Vaccine,” Many Turn To The New “COVID Emergency Kit” (Includes Ivermectin)
- TURBO CANCER DATA – Pfizer & Moderna COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines Cause Turbo Cancer – The data is finally coming out! UK Cancer deaths
- How Pfizer and Moderna Control Vaccine Discourse
- Clot From Vaxx Found In LIVING Patient
- Fully vaccinated individuals are SHEDDING GRAPHENE and infecting the unvaccinated, causing serious health complications
- No one is safe: Vaccinated individuals can transmit graphene to the unvaccinated
- Data shows COVID-19 vaccine is the MOST DANGEROUS vaccine ever made
- mRNA in COVID-19 vaccines contain FAKE URACIL which may be causing white, rubbery clots
- Removing Graphene Oxide Nanobots From the Covid-mRNA Vaccinated
- Covid Truths: Hot Lots – Deadly Batches of Vaccines
- Class-Action Lawsuit Filed Against Remdesivir Manufacturer Over Alleged Deceptive Practices
- How Intelligence Agencies Covered Up Covid Truth
- CIA Commanded by Fauci and Bill Gates to Spread COVID Disinfo/Hide the Deadly Truth
- Microscopic Tech Found In Vaccinated: Blood Clots DISCOVERED In Living Patients Contain HYDROGEL
- You are the unvaccinated, you are the problem! – Fates of vaccinated people
- Died Suddenly – FULL Movie
- Never forget: The vilification and subhumanization of those who refused experimental injections
- Is It Time to Fire Your Doctor? CDC VAERS Records More Deaths from COVID Vaccines Than Total of All Previous Vaccines Combined
- For America To Get Down To Deagel’s 2025 Forecast Numbers Of Less Than 100 Million People, Being Forced To Get Vaxxes We Don’t Want Would Complete That Fall Into Medical Tyranny
- The Return of The Masquerade
- Aug 25, 2023 – Plandemic script revealed, re-education camps for those who
- Florida Surgeon General: Do Not Cooperate With Mask Mandates
- Member of the European Parliament: Stop Complying. Start Rebelling
- Getting the flu vaccine with Pfizer’s COVID-19 booster increases STROKE RISK
- CONFIRMED The PIGS are being INJECTED and fed to YOU!
- We Are Being Warned To Brace Ourselves For A Super Pandemic – Will It Arrive This Winter?
- Beware: USDA Allows Genetically Engineered Vaccines to Infiltrate Organic Food Production
- FDA Refuses To Change Anti-Ivermectin Statements After Court Ruling
- Dr. Bowden: Pharmacists Still Refusing to Fill Ivermectin Prescriptions for Covid-19 Despite FDA Backpedaling
- Croatian MEP Mislav Kolakušić Wants WHO Designated as Terrorist Organization
- COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines Reduce Immune Response To Other Infections, Potential Concern Of Immune Deficiency
- Science Fraud: Pfizer’s Covid Jab Placebo Control Group Was Given Moderna’s Vaccine
- Beware: USDA Allows Genetically Engineered Vaccines to Infiltrate Organic Food Production
- Is It Time to Fire Your Doctor? CDC VAERS Records More Deaths from COVID Vaccines Than Total of All Previous Vaccines Combined
- Dr. Bowden: Pharmacists Still Refusing to Fill Ivermectin Prescriptions for Covid-19 Despite FDA Backpedaling
- Dr. Birx Admits She And Fauci Made Up The Science On Lockdowns, Social Distancing
- Staying FULLY Unvaccinated Proves To Be The Safest Defense Against Contracting COVID
- 4 Out Of 5 Canadian COVID-19 Deaths Are In The Fully Vaccinated
- Bombshell COVID Study ELIMINATES Justification for Mask Mandates, Lockdowns
- CDC Admits 120,000 Children DIED SUDDENLY after COVID-19 “Vaccine Roll-out
- Australian Senator Gerard Rennick Grills Evasive, Pro-Vaccine, Pro-Pfizer Doctor
- The Man Who Found DNA Toxins in Pfizer & Moderna Vials
- 92% of Covid Deaths in 2022 Were Triple+ Vaxxed
- Self Assembling Nanotechnologies Found In Blood Of The Vaxxed And Unvaxxed Pushing Planet Rapidly Towards Transhumanism And The Globalists End Game To Merge Man With Machine
- Unbelievable!! – First full autopsy on covid vaccinated death after 13 billion doses!
- MASS MURDER: Latest data suggests COVID jabs KILLED at least 416,000 Americans
- RFK Jr: Pharma Makes $60 Billion/Yr From Vaccines, $500 Billion Selling Remedies for VAXXX Injuries
- Remdesivir Wrongful Death Case Survives Immunity Challenge
- Senior Embalmer’s Shocking Discovery: ‘Dirty Blood’ and Parasitic Fibre Masses in Covid ‘Vaccinated’ Patients (Video)
- American Farmers to Begin Injecting Livestock With mRNA Shots This Month
- A researcher is planning on creating a version of monkeypox that is 1000 times more lethal and some would like to know why
- Warning About Vaccines From Doctors Back in 1985
- Fully Vaxxed Lose 25 Years of Life Expectancy, Study Shows
- COVID-19: Virus Deaths vs. Vaccine Deaths
- How to remove graphene oxide from your bodys
- Will Lawsuits Bring an End to COVID Vaccines?
- Interview with Allen Martin – Father Who’s Daughter Dies After the Jab – Viva Freis
- Green Monkey DNA Found in Covid-19 Shots
- DIRTY SHOTS: DNA Contamination and Cancer-Causing Agent SV40 Found in mRNA Vaccines
- WHO Warns Of Unusual Surge in Severe Myocarditis in Babies
- McCullough & Zelenko: Here’s What Big Pharma Doesn’t Want you to Know
- Doctors Were Bribed for COVID Vaccination Coercion
- Eric Nepute Is Being Sued for Spreading COVID Misinformation — 10 Million Times
- The Japanese Substance In The Top Position As Therapy For Post-Vaccine and Post-COVID Syndromes
- Fully Vaxxed Lose 25 Years of Life Expectancy, Study Shows
- Estimated 2022 US Vaccine Damage Report Shows $148 Billion in Economic Damage, Over 26 Million Injured
- Florida surgeon general admits that covid jabs have a terrible safety profile
- One in every 73 people “vaccinated” for covid wound up DEAD by June 2022, government data show
- Internationally Renowned Cardiologist Turns Anti-Covid ‘Vaccine’ After it Kills His Father
- Dr. Sherri Tenpenny Warns of DEATH TSUNAMI Caused by Covid-19 Vaccines
- How The Moderna v Pfizer Lawsuit Over Covid Vaccine Patents Could Confirm That It’s a Bioweapon
- Ed Dowd and Mike Adams discuss catastrophic civilization implications of vaccine DEATHS and DISABILITIES
- Shock: 10-Inch Clot Removed from LIVE Person who was Vaxxed
- German insurance data shows 88 fully vaccinated people are dying suddenly and unexpectedly every day
- Something wicked this way comes (and by something, I mean mRNA immune system dysregulation)
- The Covid Jabbed Are Dying While Fueling Scamdemic Variants
- BACK IN 2020: FDA lists 22 potential adverse effects of new COVID-19 vaccine and it’s not looking good
- Bill Gates and the World’s Elite DO NOT VACCINATE their own children… and for good reason
- Crime Disguised As Charity: How The Gates Foundation Financially Benefits From Pushing Vaccines And GMOs
- Dr Jane Ruby & Dr. Zandre Botha: Lifeline For the Jabbed
- CHD Attorneys File Federal Lawsuit to Stop California Law That Punishes Doctors for COVID Misinformation
- Head of Baylor Medical School Confirms Covid-19 Vaccine is Deadly
- CDC Boss: It’s Time To Kill White People Who Refuse Vaccines
- Fully Jabbed Mom Horrified After Baby’s Arm Amputated Due to Blood Clots Suffered in the Womb
- Covid-Jab Induced AIDS: Sickness and Death Will Increase as mRNA-Damaged Immune Systems Succumb to Every New Disease
- The Covid Jabbed Are Dying While Fueling Scamdemic Variants
- Unethical and Up to 98 Times Worse Than the Disease: Top Scientists Publish Paradigm-Shifting Study About COVID-19 Boosters for Young Adults
- UN Initiative Targets And Doxxes Doctors And Nurses Who Don’t Follow COVID-19 Narrative
- RED ALERT: New WHO pandemic treaty in final stages, would overrule the US Constitution and unleash medical dictatorship, warns Dr. Francis Boyle
- Those involved in project to inject world with experimental biotechnology are GUILTY of crimes against humanity
- Scientist calls out Polish government over attempt to LEGALIZE GENOCIDE
- Foot-Long Blood Clots From mRNA, Says Pathologist Dr. Ryan Cole
- Blood Clotting and the Embalmers Blood Clot Stories
- RFK Jr On Vaccines Liability: They know this is going to kill and injure a huge number of children
- Bill Gates Vows To Pump mRNA Into Food Supply To Force-Jab the Unvaccinated
- USDA air dropping vaccines from helicopters across 13 states, using vaccine bait deemed HAZARDOUS if ingested
- Vaccinated People Make Up Majority Of COVID-19 Deaths: CDC Data
- Fauci’s deadly corruption on Remdesivir
- The Fraudulent Dr Fauci – Part II: The Remdesivir Scam
- Dear friends, sorry to announce a genocide
- SLOW MOTION GENOCIDE: Excess mortality up 40% all around the world following release of covid vaccines
- EXCESS MORTALITY: Over 2400 Americans are DYING each day following vaccine mandates
- COVID-19 Movie: Uninformed Consent
- Outrageous! FDA Backtracks During Trial and Now Claims Not Taking Ivermectin for COVID-19 was Merely a Recommendation
- The Pfizer Way: Produce the Sickness, Sell the Cure
- The CDC will vote Thursday to permanently shield Pfizer and Moderna from COVID vaccine injury liability
- DEATH BY VAXX: Excess Mortality up 17% Among the Fully Vaccinated
- HOLOCAUST OF THE UNBORN: Babies are DYING because their mothers got vaccinated for covid
- Remdesivir Increases Your Risk of Death. Dr. Paul Marik Speaks on the Deadly NIH Protocols and the Perverse Incentive Structure Driving this Mindless Approach in the Field.
- Data proves ‘sudden adult death syndrome’ needs to be renamed ‘death by COVID vaccination’
- FDA Gaslights Americans With Ludicrous Analogy to Push Permanent Covid Jabs That #RechargeYourImmunityR
- Fauci’s deadly corruption on Remdesivir
- Proof: Docs Know They’re Killing: Fauci’s Deadly Remdesivir Had 50% Kill Rate in Ebola Trial
- Data shows COVID-19 vaccine is the MOST DANGEROUS vaccine ever made
- Biotech analyst Karen Kingston unveils the covid vaccine 5G link + biosynthetic AI nanotech
- COVID-19 vaccine is the biggest medical-biological catastrophe of all time, says Dr. Peter McCullough
- VAERS Data Suggests Covid-19 Vaccines May Have Caused Over 1.2 Million U.S. Deaths
- They Are giving Cows mRNA Vaccine Which Will Pass the Vaccine Into Milk, Cheese etc – LETHAL INJECTIONS: 18% of Cattle DIE Immediately Following mRNA ‘Vaccination’
- Deadly remdesivir COVID protocol was fraudulently FORCED onto patients – attorneys suing multiple hospitals and doctors
- Researchers find dozens of venom peptides in blood plasma and fecal samples from COVID-19 patients, CONFIRMING link between toxins and covid
- Patients died from COVID-19 drug treatment [Remdesivir] at Redlands, Riverside hospitals, suits allege
- Salk Institute reveals the spike protein IS the weapon… and it’s in all the vaccines
- 57 leading scientists, doctors, and public policy experts call for IMMEDIATE HALT to Covid vaccine programs
- Pandemic of the Vaccinated: New Data from Walgreens Reveals Vaccinated People are More Likely to Test Positive
- Pfizer Director Admits Vaccine was Never Tested on Preventing Transmission During EU Hearing Contrary to Previous Claims
- How the NIH and hospitals used Remdesivir to quickly kill cover patients
- Mother Blames “Vaccinated Blood” for the Death of Her One-Month-Old Baby Who Died from Blood Clot Following Blood Transfusion
- French Politician and Ex-Presidential Candidate Jean Lasalle Says COVID Vaccine Nearly Killed Him – Claims Macron and Others Faked their Vax Status
- TRANSFUSION CONFUSION: American Red Cross caught mixing vaxxed blood with unvaxxed blood
- Government [of England] data shows 1 out of every 246 covid vaccinated people DIES within 60 days
- Inventor of PCR Test Says Fauci Knows “Nothing” & His Test Is Not Diagnostic Tool For Viruses
- “Ethically Unjustifiable” – Scientists from Harvard & Johns Hopkins Found Covid-19 Vaccines 98 Times Worse Than the Virus
- Microscopy review finds that 94% of covid-vaccinated people with health issues have distinctly abnormal blood
- Plandemic snake oil salesmen now pushing mRNA nasal spray; call for second Operation Warp Speed
- Proof your Government is manipulating data to cover up the lethality of COVID-19 vaccination
- Scientists discover that all covid vaccines “without exception” contain mysterious metallic toxins
- Deaths, Anaphylaxis, And Other Vaccine Adverse Effects (VIDEO)
- The Dramatic Rise In “Sudden Adult Death Syndrome”
- Kim Iversen blasts MSM coverup of Big Pharma skipping animal trials for COVID clot shots
- 10,000 people A DAY being killed by covid vaccines; worldwide fatalities likely larger than the HOLOCAUST”
- The Cover-Up: “Sudden Adult Death Syndrome”
- Fauci and the NIH caught funding China’s covid bioweapons research
- Dr. Fauci is Funding Gruesome University of Pittsburgh Study Skinning Scalps off of Aborted Babies and Growing them on Lab Rats (VIDEO)
- 5-fold increase in sudden cardiac and unexplained deaths among FIFA athletes in 2021
- Urgent Warning For Humanity!
- The Corona Virus Proves You’re A Useful Idiot
- FDA Bait And Switch Confirmed
- Vaccine Deaths Outnumber Covid Deaths in U.S. Households, Two New Polls Confirm
- Red Cross Confirms to Undercover Journalist that Unvaccinated Could Unknowingly Get Blood from Vaccinated Donors
- NIH ADMITS: Vaccine-Induced Immune Response to Omicron Wanes Substantially Over Time
- New Medical Study Shows COVID Booster Shots May Be Harmful to the Immune System
- Vaccine clot lab tests reveal shocking accumulation of CONDUCTIVE METALS
- Monkeypox Spread by Gay Sex Between Men… So How Did Those Children, Dogs and 2-Yr-Old Get Monkeypox?
- Moderna Documents Show mRNA COVID Vaccines Cause Skeletal Malformation – Here is What Happened To The Offspring Of Lab Rats Who Were Jabbed
- Post-vaccine clot ICP-MS elemental analysis results, comparing clots to human blood … findings reveal these clots are NOT “blood” clots
- Pfizer documents and real-world data both show that covid jabs are already causing mass depopulation
- Hundreds of thousands reportedly dying WEEKLY from Pfizer’s covid injections – PfizerGate continues
- Sudden vaccine deaths are now so common there’s a new SYNDROME name for it
- The blood of COVID-vaccinated people has a strange artifact… mine included!
- How the Pandemic Was Fabricated
- Part 2/3 – Dr. Bryan Ardis reveals BOMBSHELL origins of covid, mRNA vaccines and treatments
- Utah ICU Nurses Try To Hide Fibrous Clot Coughed Up By Jabbed 32 Year Old
- Microscopic Video Of Engineered Bio Structures Removed From Blood Vessels
- Shocking microscopy photos of blood clots extracted from those who “suddenly died” – crystalline structures, nanowires, chalky particles and fibrous structures
- More than 150 Comparative Studies and Articles on Mask Ineffectiveness and Harms
- Dr. Bryan Ardis releases huge allegations: The covid-19 virus, vaccines and some treatments are all derived from SNAKE VENOM
- DOCTORS don’t even know! MILLIONS of people are swallowing VENOM-derived pharmaceuticals made from pit vipers, Gila monsters, leeches, rattlesnakes and DEATHSTALKER scorpions
- Poison Control Issues Nationwide “Toxic” Warning About Covid-19 Home Tests
- How the Pandemic Was Fabricated
- Dr. Carrie Madej Took a Look at the Moderna, Pfizer, and J&J Shot Contents Under a Microscope (VIDEO and ARTICLE)
- The Vax: Dr. Zalewski Discovers Hatching Parasite Eggs; The PCR Test: Collecting Your DNA (VIDEO and ARTICLE)
- NZ Scientist Examines Pfizer Jab Under The Microscope (VIDEO)
- Multiple Studies Are Finally Supporting What Many Have Said All Along: The Jabs Kill
- There Is No Corona Pandemic, Only A PCR Test Plandemic (Video)
- “Doctors Tried to Kill Me”, 5x Cancer Survivor Flees Medical Murder At Killer Hospital (VIDEO)
- DOD And Fauci Caught In Massive Scandal Hiding Death And Damage From COVID Vaccines (VIDEO)
- Funeral director finds bizarre, rubbery blood clots in bodies of the vaccinated
- US Hospitals: Fraud, Murder, Cash; Federal Assassination-For-Hire Program
- Dr. James Thorpe on How Doctors Are Forced to Hide VAXX Truths: ‘We Will Destroy Your Life, Your Career, and Your Family’
- Ivermectin ‘Works Throughout All Phases’ Of COVID According To Leaked Military Documents
- Dr. Suzanne Humphries – Vaccines Have Never Been Safe (VIDEO)
- Brianne Dressen’s Testimony to Expert Panel on COVID-19 Vaccine Injuries (VIDEO)
- Health minister says people calling him ‘Mengele’ for push to vaccinate public
- Israel: Highest infection rate in the world
- Pfizer downplays COVID-19 vaccine’s ties to fetal tissue from abortions: Project Veritas
- Biden’s Bounty on Your Life: Hospitals’ Incentive Payments for COVID-19
- COVID-19 Vaccine Induced Disease Emerges as Leading Public Health Threat
- Thirty-Four Women Report Spontaneous Miscarriages or Stillbirths After Receiving Covid Vaccine
- Research Study Funded by Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation Confirms the Safety of Continuous Administration of Ivermectin
- Military Documents About Gain of Function Contradict Fauci Testimony Under Oath
- COVER-UP: Fauci-Linked EcoHealth Alliance Pushed to Block Public Release of COVID Genetic Data From China
- Dr. Fauci: Vaccinated and Boosted Americans Better Not Go Out to Public Places Right Now (VIDEO)
- Surprise: FDA Warns That Pfizer’s Experimental Covid Pills Cause Life-Threatening Reactions When Used with Many Common Medications
- Premeditated Manslaughter of Millions of People Coordinated at the Highest Levels – Naomi Wolf and Dr. Malone Respond to Project Veritas BOMBSHELL (VIDEO)
- It’s a Depopulation Agenda – Dr. Lee Merritt (Corona Committee)
- Massive 145-Country Study Shows Sharp INCREASE of Transmission and DEATH After Introduction of COVID Vaccines
- New Study Shows 41-FOLD DROP in Pfizer and Moderna Effectiveness Against Omicron While Natural Immunity Shines
- The Mysterious Death of PCR Test Inventor Kary Mullis – Fauci’s Most Notable Critic
- The Mysterious Death Of Dr Fauci’s Most Notable Critic, Just Before COVID-19: Dr. Kary Mullis, The Inventor Of The PCR Technique
- FDA documents show over 150K serious adverse events in first 3 months of Pfizer jab approval
- City That Hit 100% Vaccination Rate in March Now Urging Cancellation of Christmas Celebrations over Virus Fears
- Were the Pfizer ‘Vaccines’ Approved Because They Establish a Perpetual Need for Booster Shots?
- Italy’s suspected covid death tally corrected from 132,161 to 3,783… this is where covid hysteria began, and it was 97% FICTION rollout
- Serious adverse events in professional athletes skyrocket 6,000 percent following covid “vaccine” rollout
- INSANITY: Fauci admits covid jabs are killing people, says “boosters” will somehow stop the carnage
- Top 10 signs that Covid vaccines are BIOWEAPONS and much more lethal than Covid-19 itself
- OSHA announces it will comply with 5th Circuit Appeals Court and SUSPEND Biden’s vaccine mandate
- Delta Variant Death Rate Among Vaccinated Over 5 Times HIGHER Than The Unvaccinated In England
- 52% of Southern Nevada COVID-19 Deaths Were Fully Vaccinated? That’s What This Data Says
- VAERS analysis exposes CDC, FDA for covering up hundreds of serious adverse events associated with COVID vaccines
- BOOSTER SYNDROME: Natural doctor blows whistle on Covid vaccines lowering white blood cells more and more with each shot, turning vaccinated people into AIDS-like patients
- Oxford University study finds fully vaccinated Healthcare workers carry 251 times viral load compared to the unvaccinated proving the Covid-19 jabs make you worse
- “Don’t Do It Unless You Are Ready to Suffer and Die” – California Man Who Died from the COVID-19 Vaccine Described His Horrific Pain and Suffering in Writing Before Passing Away
- Vaccine-Injured Speak Out, Feel Abandoned By Government Who Told Them COVID Shot Was Safe
- Fauci Praises Case-Surging Israel as He Moves the Goalpost Again: ‘Full Regimen for Vaccination Will Likely Be Three Doses’
- Learn The Truth From A Registered Nurse
- Cardiologist Who Said He ‘Won’t Cry at Funeral’ For “Selfish” Unvaccinated People Suddenly Dies in His Sleep 2 Weeks After 3rd Covid Jab
- ‘It’s the Vaccines. It Has to Be’: Adverse Reactions to Covid Jabs Likely to Blame for Hospitals Suddenly Being Flooded Across the Globe
- Dr. Brian Ardis warns America approaching ONE MILLION DEATHS from remdesivir and ventilator homicide
- Exposed: Inhumane, lethal COVID Protocol in hospitals
- Nearly all covid cases at public high schools occurring in “fully vaccinated” students
- Dr. Bryan Ardis talks warns that covid hospital protocols are needlessly killing patients
- Scripted Covid propaganda reveals how nearly all American doctors are just puppets of the corrupt American Medical Association and the Vaccine Industrial Complex
- Dr. Stillwagon at Board of Commissioners meeting Orange County FL (short powerful video)
- Seven out of 10 new covid infections occurring in “fully vaccinated:”
- The vaccine death report
- Vaccine Tyranny: UCLA Doctor Escorted Off Property for Refusing Vax, Then He Reveals His Plan
- Johns Hopkins Doc Says Natural Immunity 27 Times More Effective Than Vaccine
- Live Free Or Die: Why Medical Autonomy Matters
- Frontline Doc claims 100-200 Members of Congress treated with Ivermectin
- Hospitals now SUFFOCATING patients with plastic bags
- CDC Quietly Redefines Vaccination As “Protection,” Not Immunity
- Pfizer whistleblower says vaccine ‘glows,’ contains toxic luciferase, graphene oxide compounds
- Dr. Campbell Reveals the Reason Behind India’s Ivermectin Blackout
- Death By Mask: Mask Wearing, Bacterial Pneumonia Infections, and The 1918 Flu
- American government conspired with foreign entities to coordinate pandemic “preparedness activities” prior to covid
- Shocking recordings of hospital executives discussing coordinated plans to restrict fluids and nutrition for hospitalized COVID patients
- Dr. Fauci Accused Of Experiments On NYC Orphans After Bombshell Puppy Torture Exposed
- STUDY: J&J Vaccine Recipients 3.5x More Likely To Develop Potentially Fatal Blood Clot In The Brain
- EXPLOSIVE REVELATION: Indian Television Exposes How Pfizer Bullies and Blackmails Countries for COVID Shots – “Desperate Countries force to Make Humiliating Concessions”
- WONDER DRUG: New International Ivermectin Report of 64 Studies Shows 86% Success as Prophylaxis and 67% Success in Early Treatment
- UK’s Pfizer report reveals SHOCKING VACCINE INJURIES and deaths from the covid jab
- Sen. Rand Paul Tells “Every Snot-Nosed ‘Journalist’ Who Accosted Me” Spouting “Fauci-isms” to “Read the Science!”
- RAND PAUL: Natural Immunity to COVID Offers Better Protection than Vaccine
- This is not a vaccine
- How COVID-19 ‘Vaccines’ May Destroy the Lives of Millions
- New Missouri COVID whistleblower: Hospitals are lying to the public about COVID… and I can prove it
- These Charts Say It All: The Depopulation Agenda Is In Full Swing As More And More Americans Are Being Killed And Injured By ‘The Vax’ Being Heavily Pushed By The Genocidal Eugenicists
- Kim Jarvis: 57-year-old West Virginia woman declares “I’m vaccinated but don’t know what’s in it,” dead less than 24 hours later
- CDC guidance for Chickenpox virus says if you contracted it already then NO NEED to get vaccinated… so why not with COVID?
- Patients aren’t being told what “variant” they’re infected with; no diagnostic tests in the field are even capable of determining variants
- Higher vaccination rates translate to higher covid cases as LEAKY, non-sterilizing vaccines worsen the plandemic
- JAB AND DIE: Public Health Scotland data reveals 80 percent of Covid deaths happen to VACCINATED individuals
- Nearly all covid cases at public high schools occurring in “fully vaccinated” students
- TRUE CONSPIRACY: Biden ordered OSHA to hide employer reports of COVID vaccine injuries and side effects
- Indian state with 240 million people completely eradicated covid with ivermectin
- Sen. Rand Paul does not plan to get COVID-19 vaccine, explains he has natural immunity which is vastly superior compared to artificial vaccine “immunity”
- Who’s murdering all the COVID scientists?
- Half of all covid “variant” deaths occurring in people who were already vaccinated
- CDC: Worst nations for traveling due to covid “surge” are also the most highly vaccinated
- Chicken study shows that getting vaccinated puts others, including the unvaccinated, at risk
- Former Pfizer VP warns booster shot is an extermination weapon to mass murder human beings
- Media in Big Pharma’s pocket, attacks physicians who promote cheap, effective, early treatment options for COVID-19
- America’s media-made “Covid Cult” so brainwashed they want people to DIE who refuse to wear a mask or vaccinate
- Former Pfizer scientist warns that governments and pharmaceutical companies will continue to deceive and enslave people before killing them off
- My Employer Wants Me To Get The Vaccine! What Do I Do?
- Vaccines Will Kill Majority of Vaccinated From October to December, 2021
- MEDICAL HORROR: Covid vaccines have now killed more people than the ATOMIC BOMB dropped on Hiroshima
- 18 Fully Vaccinated People Die Of COVID-19 In Massachusetts In Past Week
- An inconvenient truth: Experimental covid injections are what’s driving the spread of “variants”
- Pathologist Dr.Ryan Cole – Vax-11k Deaths, 1st Autopsy? Hmmm… 8-8-2021
- The ‘vaccines are the answer’ narrative blown to smithereens as more and more of ‘the fully vaxxed’ are becoming ill and dying
- Dr. Peter McCullough warns: Covid vaccinations of pregnant women an “atrocity” and “shameful”
- Fully ‘vaccinated’ people have a 885% higher chance of death due to ‘Covid-19’ than people who are ‘unvaccinated’ according to official data
- Covid-19 vaccines and graphene-oxide
- Yale doctor calls out CDC for committing large scale medical fraud and hiding covid cases among the vaccinated
- CDC flip-flops AGAIN, now admits “fully vaccinated” people are spreading COVID-19
- Health authorities are pushing booster shot extermination plans to hurry and kill the masses before they fully awaken to the covid scam
- Scientists warn push for COVID-19 booster shots not based on scientific data; “politics” and profits now driving vaccine policies
- Cardiologist says no case of COVID-19 vaccine-induced myocarditis is mild
- Rutherford institute issues guidance on how to request a religious exemption for COVID-19 vaccine mandates in the workplace
- Massive fraud in reporting vaccine injuries; withheld data, pretense of “safe and effective”
- Pfizer vaccine destroys T cells, weakens the immune system – study
- French drug assessment center says all four Covid-19 vaccines are dangerous, should be pulled off the market
- Pandemic: follow the real money, the unthinkable amount of money
- Top 10 LIES about COVID-19 that at least half of all Americans actually believe
- Blaylock On Vaccines: What You Need To Know For Informed Consent
- Is “COVID-19” really a pandemic at all, or just a cover story for a global science experiment gone awry?
- Dr. David Martin: There is no “Delta” Variant – “Novel” Coronavirus Known as COVID-19 Was Patented 2 Decades Ago
- Parents of Benjamin Goodman Speak out on His Murder by J&J Bioweapon Shot
- Resolving “Long-Haul COVID” and Vaccine Toxicity: Neutralizing the Spike Protein
- New side effects from Pfizer and Moderna vaccines include kidney inflammation, renal disorders and skin reactions
- Pfizer Contract Forces Governments to Acknowledge Vaccine Is Untried and Side Effects Unknown
- Why COVID-19 Vaccine Conspiracy Theories Are Justified
- COVID Vaccine’s DELAYED LETHAL Reaction
- Why So Many People Refuse To Believe They Are In Serious Danger From Their Governments — written in March of 2018
- In COVID-19 Restrictions Ruling, Judge Holds Pennsylvania Governor to the Constitution
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