COVID-19, Flu & Cold Treatments And Preventative Measures
Treatments And Preventative Measures For COVID-19, Season Flu Viruses & The Common Cold
Please note: I had to update several links on this page because they pointed to YouTube videos and YouTube either banned those videos OR the users were forced to make those videos private so that YouTube would not ban them. So the new links are either pointing to videos on YouTube that are not banned, or the links now point to videos elsewhere, such as… Continue reading
Lord, I don’t know how To love You like I should,
After everything You’ve done for me.
Lord, I don’t know who else Would have gone that far for me,
What You Yourself endured upon that tree.
Lord, the unthinkable agonies,
As You were hanging from that cross,
What a price You had to pay to set me free!
How do I show my appreciation,
And demonstrate my thankfulness,
For what… Continue reading
The Real Church
The Real Church
(as compared to fake or counterfeit churches)
The Real Church…
- Hungers and thirsts for holiness, real fellowship, discipleship, evangelism, commitment and a deeper understanding of their God.
- Needs no chiors… for they are all “the choir”.
- Needs no ushers… They meet in each other’s homes.
- Needs no thimbles of juice or tiny cubes of bread… for they eat hearty meals together.
- Needs no building programs… Their homes are good enough meeting places for them to worship their… Continue reading
Why? A Poem For Discouraged Christians
A Poem For Discouraged Christians
Why is the road so narrow?
Why is the way so rough?
Why is this new life so lonely?
Why is it often so tough?
Why am I so outnumbered?
Why must I be on my guard?
Being a faithful good witness
is something I find very hard.
Why are the “saints” so worldly?
Why are the godly so few?
Why is the world so wicked?
And so many Christians seem lost… Continue reading
Overheard In An Orchard
Overheard In An Orchard
“Said the Robin to the Sparrow:
“I should really like to know
Why these anxious human beings
Rush about and worry so.”
Said the Sparrow to the Robin:
“Friend, I think that it must be
That they have no heavenly Father
Such as cares for you and me.”
– Elizabeth Cheney