Dialog About A Modern Church Service
Dialog About A Modern Church Service
Modern Pastor: So now that you have visited our church a few times, what do you think of it?
Church Visitor: I love the people here, its just that…
Modern Pastor: What? What is it? Something about our church you don’t like?
Church Visitor: Well, I am not a big fan of your modern Bible version.
Modern Pastor: What’s wrong with that? It’s so easy to read and understand.
Church Visitor: It… Continue reading
The Ever-Popular, Highly Unbiblical, Seriously Ineffective, Counter-Productive Clergy-Laity System
The Ever-Popular, Highly Unbiblical, Seriously Ineffective, Counter-Productive Clergy-Laity System
Are True Christians Really Supposed To Be And Act Like Groundlings?
Oooh, that’s some pretty strong language! Yes indeed! But it will take more than strong language to fix the mess that is called the Bride of Christ in our day.
“The prophets prophesy falsely, and the priests bear rule by their means; and my people love to have it so” – Jeremiah 5:31
Salvation Is Entirely Of God
Salvation Is Entirely Of God
“So then it is not of him that willeth, nor of him that runneth, but of God that sheweth mercy.” – Romans 9:16
Salvation, from start to finish, is of the Lord. (Jonah 2:9)
We seek Him because He sought us first. (Romans 10:20)
We believe in Him because He gave us faith. (Romans 12:3)
We repent because He granted us repentance. (Acts 11:18)
We love Him because He first loved us.… Continue reading
Sovereign Grace Extremism
Sovereign Grace Extremism
“Them that sin rebuke before all, that others also may fear.”
1 Timothy 5:20
There are some sovereign grace preachers who think they are doing God a service by not preaching against sin. They have taken such an extreme view of the gospel, that they feel any preaching against sin in the local church might cause some in their audience to think that salvation is by works. These churches end up ignoring all kinds of sinful… Continue reading
Modern Day Barbarians
Modern Day Barbarians
(Societies That Have Legalized The Practice Of Abortion)
Barbarian: (Source: dictionary.com)
A person in a savage, primitive state; uncivilized person.
Society cannot get any more morally bankrupt than to reach a point where infanticide (abortion) is labeled “a choice” and where pregnant women pay a “respected” (i.e. legal in the eyes of that society) organization or facility of mass murderers to have their children slaughtered on the altar of convenience. Try as they might,… Continue reading