Alternative Medicine
Alternative Medicine Versus Conventional Big Pharma Medicine
Links To Online Resources For Natural Healing
And Information About Homeopathic & Holistic Medicine
You may need to familiarize yourself with some terminology. There are two basic kinds of medicine being practiced world wide. The most common type of medicine is called Allopathic. The less common type of medicine being practiced (by licensed doctors that is) is called homeopathic or holistic medicine. Lets look at the differences of these two, which will explain why alternative medicine is becoming so popular. And by the way, “alternative medicine” refers to the alternatives to ALLOPATHIC medicine.
CLICK HERE FOR: Articles And Videos About COVID-19 Virus Pandemic
CLICK HERE FOR: COVID-19 Treatments And Preventative Measures
CLICK HERE FOR: Why You Should NOT Trust Big Pharma
CLICK HERE FOR: Health Risks/Dangers Of Cell Phones, Cordless Phones, Wifi & Bluetooth Devices
CLICK HERE FOR: An Immune System Boosting Regimen
CLICK HERE FOR: Information about bad foods, unhealthy food products and dangerous health-care products
CLICK HERE FOR: Suggested Cancer Fighting Regimen And Wellness Checklist
SCROLL DOWN FOR: information on cancer, immune-system supplements, vaccines & more!
Doctors Are More Dangerous Than Guns – VIDEO
Allopathic Medicine – What it is and what’s wrong with it:
Allopathic medicine is basically the same as most CONVENTIONAL types of medicine, which have become monopolized by huge networks of pharmaceutical companies, hospital networks and insurance companies. Allopathic medicine is primarily all about suppressing symptoms with expensive patented medications. It is also about TREATING CONDITIONS, and NOT about WELLNESS. It is NOT about healing your body and your body’s immune system, to enable your body to heal itself properly. So what happens to people who are patients in this massive allopathic medical establishment is that they never get better, because the drugs they are prescribed do not serve to heal the patient’s immune system or other physiological problems. The drugs they are given only hide symptoms often by the use of steroids such as Prednisone which can suppress a person’s immune system if it is over or under producing cells to fight your body’s ailments. While prescribing drugs to suppress the immune system can provide a quick fix, a temporary solution to a malfunctioning immune system, such quick fixes can quickly backfire to the point where the patient’s immune system starts going haywire. Examples of an immune system going haywire include an immune system that:
- produces too FEW cells of a certain type (red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets, cancer fighting cells, lymph cells, etc.)
- produces too MANY cells of a certain type…
In other words, many people get sick simply because their immune system is sick which means their body’s immune system loses its ability to properly regulate itself.
Holistic (Homeopathic) Medicine
Simply put, holistic medicine is the practice of strengthening the body so that it can fight off diseases itself and so that it can avoid getting diseases. The process includes avoiding unhealthy foods and toxins in the environment and eating healhty foods, especially organic raw foods (including herbs and spices and various vitamin and mineral supplements). Also involved in holistic medicine is adequate exercise and determing ways of reducing mental and physical stress on the mind and body.
John D. Rockefeller Founded Modern Medicine And Took Away Natural Cures – VIDEO – 2 minutes
How Rockefeller Wiped Out Natural Cures To Create Big Pharma and Monopolized Allopathic Medicine – VIDEO – 26 minutes
How Did Our Current Medical System Get To Where It Is Today?
- How Rockefeller took control of the medical system – VIDEO
- Rockefeller’s, and the Medical, Pharma & Chemical Industry – VIDEO
- Operation Lockstep A Rockefeller Document – VIDEO
- How Did an Oil Tycoon Reshape the Very Fabric of Modern Medicine?
- John D. Rockefeller: Wiped-Out Natural Cures To Create Big Pharma – VIDEO
- The Man Who Destroyed Medicine – John D Rockefeller – Big Pharma’s Creator – VIDEO
- Rockefeller and Bill Gates Destruction of Africa… and much more – VIDEO
- Big Pharma History – How John D Rockefeller Created Western Medicine – VIDEO
- The Rockefeller-Carnegie Big Pharma Scam
- How Rockefeller Founded Big Pharma And Destroyed Natural Cures
- How Rockefeller Founded Big Pharma and Destroyed Natural Cures (alternate version)
- How Rockefeller Founded Modern Medicine And Killed Natural Cures
- Rockefeller Medicine – VIDEO
- Western Medicine is Rockefeller Medicine – All The Way
- How John D. Rockefeller Used the AMA to Take Over Western Medicine
Is There Really A Safe Inexpensive Cure For Cancer? Maybe…
This story is about a man named Joe Tippens who was completely cured of stage 4 lung cancer with a cheap safe anti-parasitic med (a dog wormer) recommended by a friend who happened to be research veterinarian.
And this is how the veterinarian discovered the cure:
The person who discovered the cure, was actually a veterinarian scientist at Merck Animal Health (veterinary side of Merck) that had performed cancer research on rats by injecting different types of cancers into different rat body parts. The veterinarian scientist discovered that the rats had acquired parasites and since the scientist did not want to lose all those lab rats to an infestation of parasites, so she gave them the canine medicine (a dog wormer) and the rats got cured of the cancers they had been injected with! That scientist got diagnosed with stage 4 brain cancer and was told “no hope, 3 months to live”. This woman decided “what the heck” and started taking the canine medicine. Six weeks later, she was all clear… And that is what led her to recommend the anti-parasitic medicine, known as fenbendazole, to her friend who had stage 4 lung cancer.
Check out Joe Tippen’s full, ongoing testimony here:
Check out a veterinarian’s comments on this story here:
Man Says Cheap Drug For Dogs Cured His Cancer
Potential Cancer Curing Medicines
There are several medications now being looked at by doctors and researchers that have been in use for years for treating parasites and other ailments in humans and animals – that are now being looked at as potential treatments and cures for different types of cancers. A couple of them appear to be safe, cheap, commonly used anti-parasitic drugs including ivermectin and fenbendazole. The following links will introduce you to some of those medications.
- Ivermectin and Fenbendazole: Treating Turbo Cancer (article)
- Fenbendazole and Ivermectin: New Treatments for Cancer? (article)
- Cancer Treated with Animal Deworming Medication (VIDEO)
- Edmond man says cheap drug for dogs cured his cancer (VIDEO)
- Anti-Worm drug, Fenbendazole, effective at killing cancer cells – describes the science behind the dog dewormer cancer cure
- Joe Tippen’s full, ongoing cancer cure testimony
- Fenbendazole acts as a moderate microtubule destabilizing agent and causes cancer cell death by modulating multiple cellular pathways
- Joe Tippens Dog Dewormer Cancer Treatment (Fenbendazole/Panacur)
- Is Joe Tippens of Fenbendazole Fame Still Alive? (includes Panacur dose info)
- WHY you should NOT expect your oncologist to tell you about Joe Tippens and the fenbendazole medication
- Ivermectin is a powerful anti-cancer remedy, 9 peer-reviewed studies conclude
What’s Wrong With The Conventional Health Care System?
- RIGGED MEDICINE: Report finds nearly 60% of U.S. doctors received payments totaling over $12 billion from Big Pharma firms between 2013 and 2022
- Fictitious Diseases, the Specialty Moneymaker of Psychiatry and Big Pharma
- Death by Medicine
- Medical Errors: The third-leading cause of death in US
- Conventional Medicine Vs. Holistic: A World Of Difference
- Big Pharma’s Pill Pushers–Why Americans Are Addicted to Expensive Prescription Drugs
- 5 Ways Big Pharma Convinces Us To Ignore Science and Buy Hype
Benefits Of Air Ionizers – Air ionizers are another health product that the medical “powers that be” try to discredit. However, air ionizers KILL germs and viruses in the air and have many other health benefits, including the fact that they neutralize (render harmless) many toxins in the air. How about that? Which is why there are so many articles on the Internet that discredit them. I use an ionizer all the time. It definitely makes the air in my home smell noticeably fresher. No exaggeration. Note: they are not air “filters” but some ionizers also have built-in air filters which I don’t recommend as the filters will restrict the air flow in the ionizer. Click this link for more information:
Conventional Cancer Treatment
- 12 Questions to Ask BEFORE Saying Yes to Chemotherapy Treatment
- 10 Questions to Ask BEFORE Accepting Radiation Therapy
- Chemo and Radiation Can Make Cancer More Malignant
- The Truth About Chemotherapy – Toxic Poison or Cancer Cure?
- Secondary cancers caused by cancer treatment
- How does radiation and chemotherapy affect the risk of secondary cancers?
- Chemotherapy: Does It Really Cause Cancer?
Check out our Immune System Boosting Regimen
Vaccine Information
Hey pro-lifers: I bet you didn’t know that most of the vaccines being pumped into your body are created using aborted fetal tissue…
- Are ANY Vaccines Safe And Effective Any More?
- – website for extensive vaccine information
- Covid-19 Coronavirus Vaccine Could Kill 8-16 Times More Senior Americans Compared to No Vaccine at All
- 20 VACCINE FACTS you need to know to make an informed decision
- Murder by Injection: The Story of the Medical Conspiracy – Book by Eustace Mullins
- Eustace Mullins: Murder by Injection – Full Length Video
- The Bill Gates Effect: WHO’s DTP Vaccine Killed More Children in Africa Than the Diseases it Targeted
- More polio cases now caused by vaccine than by wild virus
- Six of 10 Vaccines Studied Increase Mortality
Video “VAXXED” exposing the Center For Disease Control’s (CDC) coverup of the MMR Vaccine autism scandal
Additional Video Documentaries About Vaccine Dangers
- “BOUGHT” Trailer (2015 vaccine documentary)
- Nurse whistleblower: COVID vaxxed bodies are piling up at her hospital
Dangerous, Expensive And Not Very Helpful Medical Tests & Treatments
Sometimes an expensive invasive and dangerous test is used by medical professionals when a cheap, and far safer test (i.e. without risk of radiation, infections or perforations) has the similar predictive results. Obviously, a healthy diet (non-gmo, raw foods, whole foods, low fat, low sugar) and a focusing on wellness (exercise, fresh air, sunshine, immune-boosting supplements) is far better than eating lots of processed foods and hoping a medical test and Big Pharma will protect you.
Chemotherapy Dangers, Risks, Toxicity
- End-of-Life chemotherapy may do more harm than good
- The ‘cancer growing in cancer medicine’: pharma money paid to doctors
- Is Chemotherapy Helping Or Hurting Cancer Patients?
- Exposing the fraud and mythology of conventional cancer treatments
- Cancer drugs are the most profitable for Big Pharma
Colonoscopy Dangers, Risks, Hazards
- Colonoscopy Dangers Everyone Needs To Be Aware Of
- Colonoscopy-screening does not prevent colorectal cancer as well as previously assumed
A Story About How Big Pharma & Big Med Kill Our Loved Ones
Dangers Of Childhood Vaccines
DO LARGE AMOUNTS OF VACCINATIONS IN CHILDREN DO MORE HARM THAT GOOD? Wouldn’t it be far better to focus on feeding children healthy foods and supplements that would strengthen their immune systems so THEIR BODIES can fight diseases NATURALLY? Check out this study done on children in Germany. In every case, UNvaccinated children have FEWER health problems…
Dangers Of Statins – Cholesterol Lowering Drugs
- Statins Anyone? – An expose on the cholesterol drugs referred to as “statins”
- How statistical deception created the appearance that statins are safe and effective in primary and secondary prevention of cardiovascular disease
- 4 Important Reasons Why Your Body Needs Cholesterol
- Statin Use Linked to Dementia
- It’s Not Dementia, It’s Your Heart Medication: Cholesterol Drugs and Memory
- The Connection Between Statins, Memory Loss & Dementia
- Why Cholesterol is Essential for Optimal Health
- How Statins Really Work Explains Why They Don’t Really Work.
- The 6 Best Supplements And Herbs for Atherosclerosis
Blood Composition: Components And Function
Awesome Video Series On How The Human Immune System Works
DMSO – A Sulphur Rich Chemical For Joint Pain & Many Other Ailments
- What is DMSO? – Herbal Mana article
- The miracle healing power of DMSO
- DMSO uses and risks
- What is DMSO? – Healthline article
Pet Health & Medicine Issues
- 65 Ways Rabies Vaccination Can Harm Your Dog
- Lifelong Immunity – Why Vets Are Pushing Back
- Dangerous (Pet) Over-Vaccination Is On The Rise
- 5 Unexpected Dangers In Vaccines
- Vaccinosis – Caused By Too Many Vaccines
- Vaccinosis: Health Hazards of Scheduled Animal and Pet Vaccines
- A Hidden Vaccine Side Effect That Many Pet Owners (and Vets) Never Suspect
- Dog and Cat Vaccines Are Not Harmless Preventive Medicine
- Vinegar Kills Fleas – 3 Ways To Use This Effective Homemade Flea Killer!
- How to Kill Fleas With Dawn & Vinegar – VIDEO
- Dr. Axe – Wellness & Nutrition Information
- Dr. Mercola – Natural Health Advice
- – The Health Ranger’ website covering health and wellness issues
- Alternative Uncensored Free-Speech Websites For News, Health & Medical Info, Social Media And MORE
- Immune System Boosting Regimen
- For Big Pharma Cancer Is Big Business
- Suggested Cancer Fighting Regimen And Wellness Checklist
- The Truth About Cancer website
- Why You Shouldn’t Do A Colonoscopy Exam – Colonoscopies Health Risks