Catholic Doctrine
False teachings of the Catholic church
Articles that carefully point out the many heretical, unbiblical doctrines of the Roman Catholic church and her many offshoots (Byzantine Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, Greek Orthodox, Russian Orthodox, etc.).
Why Did 50 Priests Leave the Roman Catholic Church?
Index To Catholic Doctrine Articles
- A Catholic’s Prayer Of Repentance
- A Conversation Between A True Bible-Believing Christian And A Heavily Indoctrinated Roman Catholic
- Addressing FALSE Claims Of The Catholic Church
- An Imaginary Place Called Purgatory
- Are Catholics Preoccupied With Mary
- Billy Graham’s Catholic Connection
- Bizarre Teachings Of The Roman Catholic Church Regarding Eucharists
- Blasphemous Titles Of Rome’s Mary Goddess
- But I’m A Good Catholic
- Call No Man “Father” – And That Includes Catholic Priests
- Catholic Cliches – False Claims Against Ex-Catholics And Protestants
- Catholic Communion – The Cracker God Of Catholicism
- Catholic Fairy Tales
- Catholic Misinterpretation Of Bible Verses
- Catholic Relics – A Failed Attempt To Create Legitimacy
- Catholicism Contrasted With The Bible
- Catholicism has everything that a billion sinners think they need to get to heaven
- Catholicism In A Nutshell
- Catholicism Versus God’s Word Regarding Idolatry
- Catholicism’s Religious Weasel Words
- Catholics Really Are Mary Worshippers
- Dates That Various Unbiblical Catholic Doctrines Were Announced
- Did Jesus Really Mean We Should Literally Eat His Flesh
- Do The Orthodox Churches Believe And Teach Transubstantiation?
- Does Revelation Chapter 17 Refer To The Catholic Church
- Does The 23rd Psalm Apply To Catholics?
- Does The Bible Mention The Book Of Maccabees?
- Doll Worshippers
- Erroneous View Of Intercessory Prayer In Catholicism
- Errors Of The Roman Catholic Church Or Centuries Of Oppression Persecution And Ruin
- False Catholic Church Teaching About Apostolic Succession
- Forgiveness Of Sins In Catholicism
- Gospel Messages For Catholics In Graphic Format
- Gospel Tracts For Roman Catholics
- Has The Catholic Mary Been Made Equal With The Lord Jesus Christ?
- Holy Costumes?
- Horrific Stories Of Sex Abuse And Child Trafficking In The Roman Catholic Church
- How Do We Know That Catholicism Is The World’s Largest Cult
- How many kinds of Catholics are there?
- How The Catholic Church Deceives Their Members
- How To Tell A FALSE Christian From A TRUE Christian
- Is A Catholic Christian An Oxymoron?
- Is The Catholic Church Still Murdering Heretics?
- Is The Roman Catholic Church The Great Whore Of Revelation 17
- Is True Salvation In Christ By Faith Plus Works Or By Faith Alone?
- Jesus Christ & The Pope Compared
- Mariology – Official Roman Catholic Position On The Person And Work Of The Virgin Mary
- Matthew Henry On “The Man Of Sin”
- Memorized Catholic Talking Points And Favorite Claims
- My Last Confession
- Pagan Gods And Goddesses That Became Catholic Saints
- Pagan Practices, Customs And Roots Of The Catholic Church
- Pro-Catholic Or Anti-Catholic?
- Rampant Catholic Clergy Immorality And Sex Abuse Crimes
- Roman Catholicism – The Worlds Largest Cult
- Roman Catholicism By Martyn Lloyd-Jones
- Roman Catholicism In The Light Of Their Own Scriptures
- Roman Catholics In America Falsifying History And Poisoning The Minds Of Protestant School Children
- Scriptural Truths for Roman Catholics
- Simplicity In Christ
- Statues-R-Us
- The Best Priest In The World
- The Blessed Virgin – Imaginary Mary
- The Catholic Argument About There Being 40,000 Protestant Denominations
- The Catholic Church Lies About Jesus Christ Being Their Founder
- The Catholic Jesus – A Fake Jesus
- The Curse Of Restoring Error
- The Difference Between Catholicism And Biblical Christianity
- The God Eaters – Do Catholics Eat Their God?
- The Idols Of Catholicism
- The Immaculate Conception Deception
- The Manufactured Exclusivity Of Catholicism
- The Many False Claims Of The Catholic Church
- The Missing Commandment
- The New Testament Testifies AGAINST Catholicism
- The One True Holy Catholic Church?
- The Pope – Vicar of Christ (what does that really mean)
- The Resurrection That The Catholic Church Secretly Celebrates
- The Roman Catholic Church – A Gigantic Fraud
- The Roman Catholic Church And The Bible
- The Standard Roman Catholic Church Apologetics Playbook
- The Toxic Fruit Of The Celibacy Policy Of The Catholic Church
- The Trentine Creed
- The True Church Versus The False Church Of Catholicism
- The “Good News” Of The False Catholic Gospel
- To The Catholic Church Christ Is Never Enough
- Trying To Find Catholic Doctrine In The Bible
- Unbiblical Inventions Of The Catholic Church
- Videos About Catholicism And Catholic Church History
- What Are Saints? Are They Dead Super-Holy Catholics?
- What Is God’s Grace?
- What Roman Catholics Find When They Study Their Own Bible
- What’s Wrong With Unmarried Celibate Catholic Priests
- Where Does The Bible Tell Us To Praise Mary?
- Where does the Catholic Church teach that Christ’s death is NOT sufficient for any sin?
- Which Jesus?
- Why Being A Catholic Is NOT A Good Thing
- Why Catholics Are Wrong For Denying Assurance Of Salvation
- Why I Am No Longer A Roman Catholic
- Why I Am Not A Roman Catholic
- Why I Left The Catholic Church After 30 Years Never To Return
- Why JESUS, not MARY is the ark of the New Covenant
- Why No Ex-Catholic Should Ever Come Home To Rome
- Why The Catholic Church Cannot Be The Pillar And Foundation Of Truth
- Why The Celibate Catholic Priesthood Is Unbiblical
- Why Transubstantiation Is Not True And Not Necessary
“America would shake from coast to coast in twenty four hours if some preacher anointed with the Holy Ghost, gave the Roman Catholic Church a broadside (i.e. gospel tract)! … These priests who dope men’s souls, these idolatrous “masses”, these Calvary eclipsing prayers to Mary, these miserable millions cheated in life and death by the greatest forgery Lucifer ever made.” [Why Revival Tarries by Leonard Ravenhill, Bethany House Publishers, Pages 39-40]
Materials That Explain How The Catholic Church is the Great Whore of Revelation:
- The Two Babylons – book (online at Google Books, scanned pages) by Alexander Hislop
- The Two Babylons – book (for purchase) by Alexander Hislop
- A Woman Rides The Beast – book (for purchase) by Dave Hunt
- A Woman Rides The Beast – VIDEO (free at Youtube) by Dave Hunt
A Roman Catholic Versus A Protestant
Keith Green’s Catholic Chronicles Series
- PART 1: THE HOLY EUCHARIST – Eating the Flesh of Deity
- PART 4: What Did Vatican II Really Change?
“The Roman Church is an Empire with its own ruler, its own laws, and its own subjects. It calls the members of other faiths “separated brethren” and has as its goal the eventual bringing together of everyone under its flag.” – Keith Green in Part 3 of his “Catholic Chronicles” series.
Additional Resources Regarding The Cult Of Mary (The corrupt Roman Catholic institution):
Some of the following information is incredibly eye-opening and will reveal just how un-Christian, unbiblical and morally bankrupt the Roman Catholic church really is.
- Exposing the Idolatry of Mary Worship (article)
- Mary: Who She Was (article)
- 3 Ways To Prove That Catholicism Is NOT Biblical Christianity (video)
- The Black Pope Demonstrates Jesuitical Double-Speak (video)
- Satan Uses Paganism in Roman Catholicism (video)
- Roman Catholics Are NOT Bible-Believing Christians! (video)
- Vatican Cardinals exposes pagan worship in their banners (article)
- Council of Trent: Canons on Justification (article)
- Did the Roman Catholic church give us our Bible? (article)
- Overview of how Catholic faith contradicts the Bible (article)
- Roman Catholic Doctrinal evolution (article)
- Why We Reject the Apocrypha (article)
- What Is the Apocrypha? (article)
- The Truth of the Roman Catholic Church – Tim Conway (video)
- The Most Evil Religion in the World (video)
- Blasphemous Roman Catholic Mass Exposed (video)
- The Horrors of the Church and Its Holy Inquisition (article)
- A City on Seven Hills (article/video)
- The pagan origins of three Catholic practices (article)
- Are the seven Catholic sacraments biblical? (article)
- Evangelicals, Do THIS When Talking to Catholics | Mike Gendron (video)
- Ex-Catholic Exposes the TWISTED Teachings of the Catholic Church – Mike Gendron (video)
- 15 Of The Most Absurd And Unforgivable Things The Catholic Church Has Ever Done (article)
- A list of false teachings in the Roman Catholic Church (article)
- Pagan Practices, Customs And Roots Of The Catholic Church (article)
- What the Roman Catholic Church Teaches About Salvation (article)
- The True Face Of The Roman Catholic Inquisition (article)
- Did the Catholic Church Give Us the Bible? – By David W Daniels (book for purchase)
- The Plain Truth about the Roman Catholic Church (article)
- Did the Early Church Teach Transubstantiation?(article)
- Think You’re A Roman Catholic If You Disagree With The Pope? Better Think Again. (article)
- The Deceivers Of Roman Catholicism (article)
- Helping Catholics Understand The Christians Identity In Christ (article)
- Roman Catholicism Today By Robert A. Morey (article)
- Roman Catholicism Today By Robert A. Morey (PDF)
- Quick Facts on Catholicism (article)
- Confessions to Roman Catholic Priests are Unnecessary & Unbiblical Leading to False Forgiveness – VIDEO
- Catholic Doctrine Contradicts The Bible
- Ten false teachings of the Roman Catholic Church
- 10 Scriptural Reasons Roman Catholica Are Not Christians
- Did the Roman Catholic “Church” give us the Bible?
- The Roman Catholic “Church” is Not Christian
- Are Roman Catholicism and Christianity the same thing?
- Exposing The Cult Of Mary
- Explaining the Heresy of Catholicism – A great audio series by John MacArthur
- The Jesuit Assassination of Keith Green (Author Of The Fiery “Catholic Chronicles Series”)
- The Roman Catholic Church Is Not A Cult. It’s An Empire
- The Catholic Chronicles by Keith Green (PDF version)
- The Catholic Chronicles by Keith Green
- Evangelical Church Takes Another Big Step Toward Rome—This Time? Franklin Graham
- Keith Green, An Impostor (some points to consider about the author of The Catholic Chronicles articles)
Catholicism Crisis of Faith
Christian Ministries That Focus On Reaching Out To Catholics:
- Mission To Catholics
- Calvary Ministries To Catholics
- Association of Fundamentalists Evangelizing Catholics (A.F.E.C.)
- Proclaiming The Gospel (Mike Gendron, former Catholic)